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Thread: Turn the other cheek

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Turn the other cheek

    There are lots of sayings out there just like the title says ,Love thy Neighbor , make peace not war, lets stand together the list can go on but what do these saying do .
    Yes we have all seen a film where you see people joining hands and praying just before they are shot, even eaten by lions and they all seem to be blessed, but that only happens in books and films.
    What about the real world, is it right to turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor does this work or is it a case for a Eye for a Eye ,
    Its wonderful when the top people in these governments say we must stand united and must not let these actions stop us , but what would happen if it was on our doorstep we lost someone special in our life, could you then turn the other cheek , i dont think i could ,
    What makes it worst the West has given most of these criminals a safe home to live in peace

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    War is different these days Steve. No longer do two sides face each other and battle, it is all done covertly and in the shadows. This is how terrorism warfare works too. We don't know and won't know where they will strike next. Impossible to fight and eradicate, specially when it is faith driven.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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