The only pre-entry screening of which I’m aware, certainly for the UK, is for TB. " Entry " screening was not effective for " latent " ( hidden or symptomless TB ) - which can reactivate, to infect others.

Pre-entry screening is thought to work for migrants applying for a visa to enter the UK from countries where TB is relatively common, including the Philippines. It’s too early to say just how many cases have been so detected and treated.

• Such screening with quarantine for ANY infection might be desirable, but is untried.

The West African countries most affected by this Ebola epidemic have very limited health services. For Guinea and Liberia TB screening is required - but is actually performed in an approved centre in Accra, Ghana ; it’s also required for Sierra Leone ( in Freetown ).

• To set up such centres would be costly. Resources needed for this epidemic are still inadequate ! Last month around 1,000 people arrived from these countries to the UK.

There could be unintended consequences, if potential migrants knew they also faced quarantine for 3 weeks. Borders are already " permeable ". People could pay bribes and either obtain documents " confirming " their health, or simply escape into other countries. If they entered the UK - legally or otherwise - and developed Ebola disease, they would have free treatment here ( as for TB or malaria ).

Your opinions are welcome and I’ve responded to the best of my knowledge ! With international collaboration and more resources the war on Ebola can be won .