Hi guys, and thanks for the replies.
I heard that there is a reference required through this link:
However, this is an old website - it appears to be from 1997 - (reference to 1997 on the site..)
Here is the text which made me believe I needed a reference:
"The couple may then apply for a “Marriage License” at the Office of the Civil Registrar at the local Municipal Offices where the Filipino contracting party habitually resides.
Have on hand the following documents (and photocopies) to show to the Registrar:-
6. A moral character reference from Ireland which takes the form of a letter or certificate from a person of authority.
A social worker, health or education officer, or church minister who has direct personal knowledge of the prospective foreign spouse’s character as well as background."
However, Levin asked the Registry Office what we will need, and a reference was NOT mentioned..however I just wanted to use you guys as a soundboard on this topic.
@Terpe: Would like to hear what you have to say about this. Just making 100% sure.
@Michael: It's interesting how you have come across the need for a reference already?
Can I ask what you needed it for, and when you got married?