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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The Perks of having a South East Asia Wife

    The benefits of having an oriental/pacific Islander Wife

    I have a story to relate about a freind of mine was quick to tell me that he visited a massage parlour in Bayswater last week, his name is withheld to protect him.

    But the story kind of got me thinking about the relationship between married men and their home life, and their other life which they keep secret, its about those who secretly call in on an escort in London and other bigger cities during the week when they are purporting to be on a business appointment.

    He told me he made an appointment with a south east asian escort, (nationality withheld) at her own flat, it was for 1 hour, and cost him £150.00, he told me, that he started with being put in a bubble bath for 10 minutes, then he was candid to tell me that full sex took place, followed by a full body massage FILIPINO/THAI style.

    He said he came out of the flat the girl traded from with a big smile on his face and headed home catch the train out to his town where he lives.

    My wife was listening to my conversation in the other room, and asked me what my freind had i TOLD HER.

    Her reply made me sort of laugh but then grimace as I thought of the possible consequences of listening to my freinds conversation...she said this

    Hey ! You get all that from me, and you dont give me £150.00 an lets work out what you owe me ?

    I think really some of us guys should be lucky in what we have, because just for the Full Fiipino body massage, would cost us big money in London at maybe £45.00 to £65.00 per hour, I dont know about you guys but I always get mine most days, sometimes when I come in from a hard day at work, my girl really understands the stress of the day, and provides a fantastic full body massage, I think the husbands on this forum would be very happy.

    Whats your experiences of this guys ( no filth if you please you lot)..hahahahaha

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the info Kuya Peter, now i know how much i will ask my fiance for the body massage i used to give him when he visits here..he he he

    so £150.00 for an hour multiply by love subtracted by sulking divided by understanding and patience plus tender loving care = happy and strong relationship

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hey Kimmi, good for you girl...let him know what he gets from you he cannot get the quality of elsewhere, thats the problem with women, once they get married, they forget what a man wants, if only they knew the secret of having a happy hubby, they would have no problems with him going to Miss xxxxx in the city for his naughty fun.

    I know the secret ? do you girls !

    I was travelling about 3 years ago across to Manila on one of junkets to see my girl as she was then, I was on a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Manila, its only about a 1 and half hour flight as you will all know, I sat next to a Filipino businessman who had just landed from Amsterdam, he worked for Shell Oil, we got chatting and I was interested to know more about what happens when a Filipina becomes a wife, is it true, that she would give you the full body massage, or would she do what an english woman would do if you asked her to give you a full body massage which is a polite

    He told me "Asbsolutely, that is what I expect from her when I get home, dont worry he said, my freind, she will give it to you?" 'I said oh really is that really true"
    "yes of course he retorted" "I get it every night, or when I want it" naturally I was in awe and wonder, and thinking ahead, to the many pleasures I would be receiving on arrival in Manila."

    So there was born this belief that all Filipina's give to their hubby or BF the full body massage, when and if required, I dont know if this is a myth, I suspect it is, and not all get it, or get it sometimes but not all times, and I also suspect, that its so easy to stereo type Filipinas into behaving in a certain way, when actually they are all individuals, some will some wont...hahahaha but at least my expectations were high.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    can u share with me the secret too? just curious if the secret i know is enough..

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    can u share with me the secret too? just curious if the secret i know is enough..
    Kimmi, I can but not here, I will private message you the secret if you really want to be ahead of the rest.

  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I am looking forward to that Kuya Peter..well who doesn't want to be ahead of the rest?especially if that secret comes from the experience of an expert..

    thank u very much in advance..

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thanks Kimi, I just delivered it to your inbox, but I think most woman know the secret if they really thought about it the secret is as old as time itself, best of luck.

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    my husband gets a massage twice a week after football. maybe during the weekend as well if he's been a good boy. we do weekly footspa at home as well. i enjoy pampering him. not quite sure if he enjoys paying the bill when i get pampered in a salon or spa in town. thing is, when he wants a massage i give it to him, or whatever he might want after. when i want a home massage from him, i get a two minute back rub and he changes his route. it would be so much cheaper if he just gives me my massage so i dont have to go out the next day! lol.

  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the message Kuya Peter, I got it hot and fresh from my inbox..

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    when he wants a massage i give it to him, or whatever he might want after
    I like what i am hearing here on this forum from you certainly do not what a man wants...good for you.

    A little bit of pampering goes a long way, and dont forget girls..when he is wanting a little cuddle..remember to "Bow Bow Bow Bow, there is my baby....cute mo cute mo."

    He will like that.

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I am glad I can hear an experienced man's view here ..

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Hanna is constantly asking me if I want a massage. She is very good - but I feel ashamed that I cannot return the compliment with as much expertise as she gives.


  13. #13
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Hanna is constantly asking me if I want a massage. She is very good - but I feel ashamed that I cannot return the compliment with as much expertise as she gives.

    Alan, I hear you loud and clear, I always had this impression that all Filipina's are trained by their Nanays to do massage for hubby as part of life training, but my honey told me....its not true...some do..but the majority seem to be brought up that they have to do it at some stage, they just do we guys go out to work...

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Yes Kimmi, I would also say, there is nothing subservient about sitting your husband down after work and taking off his socks and shoes, (now some Filipinos think this is submissive), they could not be more wrong, the wife is considered quite special who does this.

    Although if my lady does this for me, I am very complimentary of it, it shows just that little bit of caring, that we all need at times, I would say to her

    "That is very loving" or I might say "That is very nice" 'I am so lucky" and to be honest, no way is my lady subservient, or Submissive, she is her own woman, and when she is tampo, you get to feel the sharpness of her tongue.

    These little things for the man, are quite sweet and show just how much she is appreciative of the hubby, if my lady is watching the Filipino Channel and I can see she is really into a programme, especially the Filipino soaps, I would not want to disturb her, if we bought a take away for dinner, I would silently go into the kitchen, and present it on a plate, put her condiments on the table and set her cutlery, put her rice next to it, and so she can carry on eating while she is engrossed in the Tagalog soap.

    Its about mutual appreciation, she loves it when I do these little things, like when she is hungry, I would fetch her a Donner Kebab, even if its freezing cold outside, I run up the road in the car, and fetch it, even though sometimes i myself do not want anything.

    In the mornings, I always wake up to a nice hot coffee at my bedside, my lady does not sleep late, she is a get up and goer, its nice to have the cup of coffee to wake up to, now someone has to go in the kitchen and make it, in the Philippines, we have the helper to do that, but here in UK, the lady of the house does it.

    Also, my shirt and boxer shorts are laid out for me, not always but on occasion when I exit the shower, the lady of the house has a towel and dries me, I dont expect it, but sometimes it is proferred, I find it sweet that my lady would do that for me....I never had that before in my life.

    When I sit and watch the premiership, or spooks, my lady would fetch me a nice ice cold coke to drink, again I dont ask for it, it is just there, she seems to know what I will ask for even before I ask.....

    I also learned much in the Philippines when I used to travel there about what the Filipino lady would want..I learned that when she is hungry, there is no such thing as "Can we wait until later tonight" sometimes we would go into Glorietta just so that my lady can eat ILLONGO GRILL. I would just sit and watch, or drink coke.

    I think its the little things in life that make the difference, little moments of kind gestures make for a rewarding happy life together...

  15. #15
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    I'm not knocking massages, but surely there is more to SE Asian women than having a nice massage? Laughter, vivacity, assertiveness, intelligence, friendship? To be honest, if all you are interested in is a nice massage, even at £150, paying for it by the hour would probably be cheaper!

    And even though I do not have smelly feet, I would never ask my wife to take off my shoes and socks. I don't know about the Philippines, but in Thailand that is a very degrading thing to do.


  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    I'm not knocking massages, but surely there is more to SE Asian women than having a nice massage? Laughter, vivacity, assertiveness, intelligence, friendship? To be honest, if all you are interested in is a nice massage, even at £150, paying for it by the hour would probably be cheaper!

    And even though I do not have smelly feet, I would never ask my wife to take off my shoes and socks. I don't know about the Philippines, but in Thailand that is a very degrading thing to do.

    it could be worse if you was an arab, one i work with, told me when he gets home from work, he gets his wife to wash his feet , on that note, it was showing on the beeb the queens visit to Saudia Arabia, and mentioned women can not vote or drive cars

  17. #17
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    very well said Kuya Peter..yes i agree that its the little things in life that makes the difference, sometimes we taken for granted those little things but if we only knew that those little things make our life sweeter,happy and rewarding..

    btw, Mom never taught me about massaging skills I am lucky that I was born with it but Mom told me that it is also the best way to win my man's heart..

  18. #18
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ian, your entitled to your opinion, but your pop is at me on this, since I am the one who mentioned about having my shoes and socks taken off, I have to gently remind you, that if you are the guy who had 2 Thai Wives then its natural you may have been used to their way of doing things.

    I cant for the life of me understand why taking your hubbys shoes and socks off could be somehow thought to be degrading, and to answer your pop about our women, yes there is more to them than having a massage, the thread actually started off on a different slant, but I decided to get on to that subject further down the thread.

    Filipino women are incedibly intelligent mate, much better qualified than we are in UK, they are smart, that is the majority of them, they are incedibly assertive when they know exactly what they want, and they make excellent freinds, Im not sure what your point is, about suggesting all I want is a massage.

    Thats what makes them ideal marriage partners, because they are perfect english speakers, they are very competitive, assertive, freindly, loving and generous, thats why I wanted one for myself, and thats why I made my commitment to stay with her forever, and she made the same to me.

    And a further reminder Ian, your not in Thailand, this forum is not about Thai women, and I presume you know quite alot about Thai women, I presume the reason you are here, is because you now have a Filipino GF, well I am happy for you, 3rd time lucky eh mate ?

    I dont know whats around the corner, none of us do, but I think we made a good start, and most of my freinds have been married to a FILIPINO for several years.


  19. #19
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    I was brought up in a family where in my mom is a plain house wife or we called it a home maker, since i was young I saw how she takes care of us and how she takes care of my Dad..I am sure thats the secret why they are still in love with each other for almost 26 years now and I am proud of that..I promised to myself that when the time comes that i will also have my man, I will love and cared for him the best that all I can..and of course massage is just one way of showing how we love our partner.

    oh, I bet Ian if u experience to be massage by Mae u will surely always asks for it..

    and I guess aside from the fact the we are intelligent, smart, friendly, loyal understanding and assertive..Caring for our husband/family is one of our great characteristics why we are unique and different from other cultures.

  20. #20
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    [QUOTE=ginapeterb;40861]The benefits of having an oriental/pacific Islander Wife

    Another good and interesting topic Mr. Pete..

  21. #21
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    [QUOTE=ginapeterb;40861][B]The benefits of having an oriental/pacific

    Well speaking of massage, I love to give my sweetheart a facial, head, body and foot massage. It depends on how much time we have,normally when he has no work or if its raining outside, we just love to stay inside the house and I do his manicure and pedicure. I do a haircutting as well. Everyday I make his baon (lunch) to make sure that he`s eating nothing but a healthy and balanced meal. In the morning I make his coffee and breakfast. When he gets back from work I make sure that the dinner is ready. For a woman who loves her husband or partner she will give all her effort and quality time to please him, especially when he is very tired that day.

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    Sorry, I didn't mean to have a go at you!

    For Thais, feet are the lowest point of the body and touching someone's feet is the ultimate sign of submission. Thai women will do it for their husbands, but I don't like it. I am sure filipinos are different!

    Referring to other people's posts, if a filipino lady works full time and so cannot do as much of the housework, that does not make her a less good wife, surely?

    "Filipino women are incedibly intelligent mate, much better qualified than we are in UK, they are smart, that is the majority of them, they are incedibly assertive when they know exactly what they want, and they make excellent freinds, Im not sure what your point is, about suggesting all I want is a massage."

    I didn't suggest that - I really meant that surely that is not the only benefit!

    "And a further reminder Ian, your not in Thailand, this forum is not about Thai women"

    The thread is headed "Perks of marrying SE Asian women." I think Thailand is very firmly in SE Asia!

  23. #23
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I will concede on that point alone, your right it was about SE Asian women, you got me on that one.

    he thread is headed "Perks of marrying SE Asian women.
    And the show goes on !

  24. #24
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    It is nice to know Sir Pete that there are some husband like you who appreciates and considered your wife special when she is taking your shoes and socks off as I am doing that to my Darling and yes he would be telling me “I can do it” though it seems for him he don’t want but like it and I feel very special for him after that.

    When he arrived I would always have time to take off his shoes and socks and give his slippers. When his cousins knows this they told him “Tell cinmickey to stop doing that, you can do it!!”

    But I love doing it though at first My Darling feel awkwardof me doing it but that is what I have seen from my Mum doing to my Dad and even my Darling witness it until now and he is able to understand in the long run. From putting toothpaste on his brush, prepare his towel when he goes to the shower, preparing his clothes & belt, preparing coffee, taking a cold drink (Well, specially he wouldn’t say NO when I took Beer to him not unless early in the morning)hehehehe!

    I am giving him a full body massage to make him relax but sometimes I ask him also to go to a massage parlour at least they are more experience but he refuse not because he is saving but he likes more my hands to do the massage.

    Whenever we went out I took with me his medicine when he needs some and it surprise him knowing that I did take it when he needed while we’re out

    Like Sir Peter says, it is about mutual appreciation as I am getting the pampering from him of the little things that I do. It just makes me very special too and the more I try my best to keep make him special too.

    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  25. #25
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    I think we all agree that SE Asian women are lovely, especially filipinos (!), and that it is the little things that you do for each other that make relationships long lasting and special.


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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    The benefits of having an oriental/pacific Islander Wife

    He told me he made an appointment with a south east asian escort, (nationality withheld) at her own flat, it was for 1 hour, and cost him £150.00, he told me, that he started with being put in a bubble bath for 10 minutes, then he was candid to tell me that full sex took place, followed by a full body massage FILIPINO/THAI style.

    Whats your experiences of this guys ( no filth if you please you
    Hey Pete surely you are not one of them...joke lang.

    Having worked before in a prestigious business hotel I have witness many of these so called smartly dressed businessmen checking in the hotel with their very pretty, elegant partners who we thought were their wives or girlfriends, when we checked on the computer screens they are not related so its understood they are escorts. It really disgust me knowing that they have families waiting for them to come home while they are away for business trips but instead they are in the arms or company of somebody else. I hate to say this but these people who do such things I witness were puti.
    I even heard a couple arguing (when I served them meals in their room) because wife found out the guy checked in another girl in another room at the same hotel, the guy was a VIP guest and known to the hotel staff, sadly he and his wife split up and the guy married the other girl(asian).
    That means there must be something special with southeast asian women, but the only thing I know is the skin colour.
    As with how that guy was being serviced by escort, she is probably doing it for money.

    I can go on and on telling what I have witnessed but too many to mention bearing in mind that almost all our guest were caucasian people might get tampo here.

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    "Having worked before in a prestigious business hotel I have witness many of these so called smartly dressed businessmen checking in the hotel with their very pretty, elegant partners who we thought were their wives or girlfriends, when we checked on the computer screens they are not related so its understood they are escorts."

    Careful! Not all wive's take their husband's name! But I know what you mean.


  28. #28
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kentish View Post
    Hey Pete surely you are not one of them...joke lang.

    Having worked before in a prestigious business hotel I have witness many of these so called smartly dressed businessmen checking in the hotel with their very pretty, elegant partners who we thought were their wives or girlfriends, when we checked on the computer screens they are not related so its understood they are escorts. It really disgust me knowing that they have families waiting for them to come home while they are away for business trips but instead they are in the arms or company of somebody else. I hate to say this but these people who do such things I witness were puti.
    I even heard a couple arguing (when I served them meals in their room) because wife found out the guy checked in another girl in another room at the same hotel, the guy was a VIP guest and known to the hotel staff, sadly he and his wife split up and the guy married the other girl(asian).
    That means there must be something special with southeast asian women, but the only thing I know is the skin colour.
    As with how that guy was being serviced by escort, she is probably doing it for money.

    I can go on and on telling what I have witnessed but too many to mention bearing in mind that almost all our guest were caucasian people might get tampo here.
    Working for a Japanese firm i can tell you a percentage get up to no good to a good few of our female staff that have come over seemed to be bit on the sides for managers. Going to the japanese staff party afterhours kakoake party was unbeliavble and had plenty of mates from many different races and nationlities over the years who a few would act in unbelivable to me ways.
    I don't think us whiteys would get to upset if you have some good juicy tales to tell
    Many of the Hotels coneriges i have met socially (My sister used to be a hotel manager in a few hotels up in london) would tell some great stories once they had a few beers and made loads of money from all the extras people might require.

  29. #29
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    I beats investing in Northern Rock Bank if you want to risk your hard earned savings vanishing in a puff of air!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    I beats investing in Northern Rock Bank if you want to risk your hard earned savings vanishing in a puff of air!!!

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