Yes Kimmi, I would also say, there is nothing subservient about sitting your husband down after work and taking off his socks and shoes, (now some Filipinos think this is submissive), they could not be more wrong, the wife is considered quite special who does this.
Although if my lady does this for me, I am very complimentary of it, it shows just that little bit of caring, that we all need at times, I would say to her
"That is very loving" or I might say "That is very nice" 'I am so lucky" and to be honest, no way is my lady subservient, or Submissive, she is her own woman, and when she is tampo, you get to feel the sharpness of her tongue.
These little things for the man, are quite sweet and show just how much she is appreciative of the hubby, if my lady is watching the Filipino Channel and I can see she is really into a programme, especially the Filipino soaps, I would not want to disturb her, if we bought a take away for dinner, I would silently go into the kitchen, and present it on a plate, put her condiments on the table and set her cutlery, put her rice next to it, and so she can carry on eating while she is engrossed in the Tagalog soap.
Its about mutual appreciation, she loves it when I do these little things, like when she is hungry, I would fetch her a Donner Kebab, even if its freezing cold outside, I run up the road in the car, and fetch it, even though sometimes i myself do not want anything.
In the mornings, I always wake up to a nice hot coffee at my bedside, my lady does not sleep late, she is a get up and goer, its nice to have the cup of coffee to wake up to, now someone has to go in the kitchen and make it, in the Philippines, we have the helper to do that, but here in UK, the lady of the house does it.
Also, my shirt and boxer shorts are laid out for me, not always but on occasion when I exit the shower, the lady of the house has a towel and dries me, I dont expect it, but sometimes it is proferred, I find it sweet that my lady would do that for me....I never had that before in my life.
When I sit and watch the premiership, or spooks, my lady would fetch me a nice ice cold coke to drink, again I dont ask for it, it is just there, she seems to know what I will ask for even before I ask.....
I also learned much in the Philippines when I used to travel there about what the Filipino lady would want..I learned that when she is hungry, there is no such thing as "Can we wait until later tonight" sometimes we would go into Glorietta just so that my lady can eat ILLONGO GRILL. I would just sit and watch, or drink coke.
I think its the little things in life that make the difference, little moments of kind gestures make for a rewarding happy life together...