Ian, your entitled to your opinion, but your pop is at me on this, since I am the one who mentioned about having my shoes and socks taken off, I have to gently remind you, that if you are the guy who had 2 Thai Wives then its natural you may have been used to their way of doing things.
I cant for the life of me understand why taking your hubbys shoes and socks off could be somehow thought to be degrading, and to answer your pop about our women, yes there is more to them than having a massage, the thread actually started off on a different slant, but I decided to get on to that subject further down the thread.
Filipino women are incedibly intelligent mate, much better qualified than we are in UK, they are smart, that is the majority of them, they are incedibly assertive when they know exactly what they want, and they make excellent freinds, Im not sure what your point is, about suggesting all I want is a massage.
Thats what makes them ideal marriage partners, because they are perfect english speakers, they are very competitive, assertive, freindly, loving and generous, thats why I wanted one for myself, and thats why I made my commitment to stay with her forever, and she made the same to me.
And a further reminder Ian, your not in Thailand, this forum is not about Thai women, and I presume you know quite alot about Thai women, I presume the reason you are here, is because you now have a Filipino GF, well I am happy for you, 3rd time lucky eh mate ?
I dont know whats around the corner, none of us do, but I think we made a good start, and most of my freinds have been married to a FILIPINO for several years.