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Thread: The Perks of having a South East Asia Wife

  1. #31
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I don't see any perks in being married to my beautiful wife.

    I consider it an Honour to be with her and share our lives.

    Perks are what you get away with at work, fiddles on the expenses... etc.

    True commitment between two people is based on Love, Trust, and Respect for each other.
    You've gone all gooey......snap out of it....
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #32
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    See KEITH on the way out will you, he will punch your card for you, I am happy for you pal if you think there are no perks in having your cute babae but you need to undestand that everyone has a take on what their own relationship gives them, yours is unique, so is mine, so is Keiths, etc, everyone is different.

    True commitment between two people is based on Love, Trust, and Respect for each other.
    I am not sure there Aromulus that this statement is always correct, true commitment between two people in other cultures often starts with an arranged relationship, often the two are not in love, I can think of other cultures where love comes later.

    For centuries, young women have been matched with older men for the purpose of economic security, family issues etc, this is as old as the start of civilization, of course in certain cultures a man may have had a high number of wives and concubines, each one having their own personal relationship with the man.

    In the Philippines today, concubinage is still practiced in one form or another, although it is starting to be frowned upon, there was a time when a man was considered to be respectful provided he was able to care for his concubines outside of the legal marital arrangement.

    Most readers will be closer to the practice of having just one wife, and to remain with that person and share their life, as you have indicated, but my post explores the possibility, that there are many beliefs, and yours is just one of them.

    Are you suggesting then by the above quote, that those of us who consider that having a Filipino or Thai babae brings a certain amount of cultural benefits, doesnt also enjoy a loving relationship, and that their is trust and respect ?

    Those of us who are doing this for the 2nd run or 3rd run, and hopefully the last may disagree with you on that one, I don't see a problem with indicating that there are a number of fringe benefits in having a Filipino or Thai partner.

    I don't see any perks in being married to my beautiful wife.
    I am sorry to hear that you have not noticed any perks or benefits of being married to your beautiful wife, (your words not mine) some of us are more luckier in that respect, but I detect in your choice of vocabulary especially in this phrase here:-

    I consider it an Honour to be with her and share our lives.
    The use of the word honour is important in your statement, it gives rise to the conclusion that you were impressed with the fact that your wife is with you, most loving hubbys tend to put their wife on a pedestal and quite rightly so, cos they are proud of her, but to say its an honour to be with her, hmmmm not sure about how it could be an honour unless you are hero worshipping her because you might have felt in the past, that you may have found difficulty in securing a partner.

    Shoot me if you want, I like to explore the psychology of what people actually say, in the hidden meanings, peoples use of vocabulary often denotes their true feelings in a given situation.

    I am proud of my girl, I am not saying its an honour to be with her, I am saying, I am lucky she found me and vice versa she says the same, in fact we often lament on the fact, that had we met during our 20's we would have been richer now, because my wife is such a good saver !

    That is one of the benefits of being with a Filipino girl, she taught me the value of money and how to save for rainy days, that was one fringe benefit I learned.

    There are many perks or fringe benefits that have become apparent in my relationship with my South Easter Asian wife, I hope you find some too.

  3. #33
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    Yeah, well...

    I have taken it on board.

    PETER, as usual you raise some very valid points and find it difficult to be argumentative because it would only be for the sake of it.

    You see, when you first mentioned "perks" it seemed to me like a comparison to British women (Western in general..?), and of course they will never match up to the warmth, charm, inner beauty and thoughtfulness of the average Pinay.
    I keep telling Jet that we are equals, and it will take me sometime to convince her of this fact as her culture and upbringing are rather different from ours.

    After many years of living on my own, I find that the simple fact of having lunch or dinner, sitting at the table, together with someone I really love, absolutely great.
    It doesn't matter who cooks the meal.

    "Perks". I will admit that I do have manicures, pedicures, massage, and everytime I try to return the favour I get told that it is NOT my job...
    I don't see those actions as perks, but as another way of expressing her love for me.

    It may just be that I am confused by all this attention and still don't know how to deal with it.
    But very willing to learn.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    I beats investing in Northern Rock Bank if you want to risk your hard earned savings vanishing in a puff of air!!!

  5. #35
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hiya Charlie mate,

    can u explain further..pls...

  6. #36
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    Thats something we definitely agree on! Romantic love is only one of several ways to a succesful marriage. although personally I am a born romantic, so thats the way I like it.


  7. #37
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kentish View Post
    Hey Pete surely you are not one of them...joke lang.

    Having worked before in a prestigious business hotel I have witness many of these so called smartly dressed businessmen checking in the hotel with their very pretty, elegant partners who we thought were their wives or girlfriends, when we checked on the computer screens they are not related so its understood they are escorts. It really disgust me knowing that they have families waiting for them to come home while they are away for business trips but instead they are in the arms or company of somebody else. I hate to say this but these people who do such things I witness were puti.
    I even heard a couple arguing (when I served them meals in their room) because wife found out the guy checked in another girl in another room at the same hotel, the guy was a VIP guest and known to the hotel staff, sadly he and his wife split up and the guy married the other girl(asian).
    That means there must be something special with southeast asian women, but the only thing I know is the skin colour.
    As with how that guy was being serviced by escort, she is probably doing it for money.

    I can go on and on telling what I have witnessed but too many to mention bearing in mind that almost all our guest were caucasian people might get tampo here.
    Working for a Japanese firm i can tell you a percentage get up to no good to a good few of our female staff that have come over seemed to be bit on the sides for managers. Going to the japanese staff party afterhours kakoake party was unbeliavble and had plenty of mates from many different races and nationlities over the years who a few would act in unbelivable to me ways.
    I don't think us whiteys would get to upset if you have some good juicy tales to tell
    Many of the Hotels coneriges i have met socially (My sister used to be a hotel manager in a few hotels up in london) would tell some great stories once they had a few beers and made loads of money from all the extras people might require.

  8. #38
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hiya Charlie mate,

    can u explain further..pls...
    I think he is saying it costs lots to be in LDR.

    Northern rock is a bank in the uk where a lot of investors have lost money on their shares and many were taking their money out early and losing intrest due too taking out the money before they were supose to.

  9. #39
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the info Andy..

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