Hi everyone, just an update to share with regards to my ILR. As most of you know , it had been put on hold due to my TOEIC English Certificate.
* Wrote the Home Office stressing my sentiments. No answer.
* Wrote to an MP in Cardiff for assistance.
* Called the Customer Service to request a certified copy of passport.
* Received an email survey saying I have finally received a decision on my ILR.
*Called Customer service to ask about this email, They knew nothing about it and still no decision.
* August 1-2 took my English test.
* Yesterday, the MP sent me an email with the reply they had from the Home Office saying: I need to retake English test and that they WROTE TO ME July 9, 2014.
* Same day, I called Customer Service again: Said visa was on process ask them and clarify to them, that I WROTE them and requested a cert copy of passport and I have no other instructions if I should and where to send over the certificate once done, It was out of my Initiative to retake the test. There was no answer for this, asked the guy whether should i wait for their letter (which i doubt would come as they might think that the letter they sent me is enough as they claim they did sent me one) or send the certificate over once result is released. His answer was up to me!
And today.... I have the result of English Test, check them online I have passed! and today... I have received from Home Office all my documents plus a letter stating THAT MY BRP SHOULD BE SENT OVER IN NEXT 7 DAYS... my ILR HAS BEEN APPROVED!!![]()
And that, people, is my journey, after so much torture and torment, disappointment and all, its OVER! I am happy but not PURELY HAPPYThe Home Office has no right to play on peoples lives like this and worse, their service is awful!