Hi everyone, I really don't know where to start or who to turn too.

Me and my Filipina wife were married in the UAE in July 2012, during december of 2012 I got sick and had to return to the UK, my wife came to visit me during march 2013 then she returned to UAE after 3 weeks. I have been here ever since and have not seen her since the end of march as I have been trying to get well.

Around 2 months ago my wife tells me she doesn't want to be with me anymore as she has met someone else, she says she has absolutely not had an intimate relationship with anyone else so no adultery has been committed. After my initial shock we became civil and now we both just want the divorce to be done as quickly as possible.

We have no children and no property or bank accounts in a joint name.

I am hoping the fact that we haven't actually been together for 17 months will help make things quicker but I'm not really sure.

Can I start proceedings here in the UK? I am not sure how Filipino law will be applied to her but I am just concerned with proving my own divorce as I do plan on living in the UAE again.

Our original marriage certificate is in English and stamped by the British embassy and the Philippine embassy and we also have legally translated and authenticated Arabic copy. We were married by a pastor in a Christian church in Abu Dhabi.

Thanks for any help and advice