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Thread: Strange new memo from B.I affecting all foreigners entering the P.I.

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Strange new memo from B.I affecting all foreigners entering the P.I.

    Foreigners’ biometrics required to enter PH

    August 20, 2014

    FOREIGNERS, who want to stay in the Philippines, whether as tourists or immigrants, will now be required of their biometrics.

    Under the Comprehensive Alien Mapping Program or the Alien Registration Project created by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI), interested immigrants and tourists, and registered aliens in the country will be required of their biometrics or fingerprints to monitor them easily.

    “This is to update the existing records we have in BI [as for the registered foreign nationals in the country] and for an easy tracking and monitoring of them,” BI-Northern Mindanao alien control officer Florentino Diputado said Tuesday.

    Aside from the biometrics, a unique identification number will be assigned to each registrant.

    “Each foreign national has its own identification number, walang kaparehas (no duplicate),” Diputado said.

    “With it, if some foreign nationals in the country do not have biometrics and have no plans of registering themselves, they will be declared illegal and subjected to deportation,” Diputado said.

    According to Diputado, as of 2014, five Chinese nationals were deported, two were expelled from the country for illegal possession of firearms and three for illegal mining; and one American, Korean and Australian for unsupported documents.

    “BI has encountered many cases where foreign nationals got deported from the country. Mostly, because they were sex offenders, drug dealers, blacklists, and who had committed cybercrimes, illegal trafficking of children and women, illegal mining, overstaying and insufficient documents,” he said.

    As of 2014, there are 7,800 tourists who extended their stay in northern Mindanao, while 1,000 are visa holders (permanent residents, student visas and working visas).

    Americans registered the highest in the region at 206, tallied from January to June of this year, while Koreans topped in statistics as tourists.

    Although, he admitted that once the implementation would begin, the gathering of all new registrants, processing their documents, and updating the existing records, will be sluggish.

    “It will be definitely slow. But at least, our records will now remain permanent, safer and more accurate too,” he said.

    The implementation will start at the end of the year in time for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations integration in 2015.

    This is getting ridiculous.
    Another hasty and hashed up memorandum sent by the Filipino immigration twits.
    What are they trying to do?
    Frighten away tourists?

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    When I left the Philippines to return to China earlier in the year (after 9 months stay) I had to apply for an Exit Clearance Certificate where I also had to leave a set of fingerprints on paper.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    When I left the Philippines to return to China earlier in the year (after 9 months stay) I had to apply for an Exit Clearance Certificate where I also had to leave a set of fingerprints on paper.
    I have done that since 2010 had my finger prints taken twice on both exits. Why they need 2 sets, 2 years apart, is beyond me. Your fingerprints never change

  4. #4
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    Thanks for posting.
    Forewarned is forearmed.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Fred!

  6. #6
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    Not bothered.

    Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

    Besides which, you can imagine how efficient their system will be.

    No doubt another ruse for squeezing some more pesos out of the dreaded 'aliens'...most of whom are able to buy their way out of whatever crimes they're supposed to have committed anyway, courtesy of the Phils 'flexible' justice system.

    In REALITY, as a foreigner you have have no rights whatsoever in the Philippines. Always bear that in mind. YOU will always be in the wrong.

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