I have said not all Muslims are bad but do us a favour and mass demonstrate against the evil fundamentalists.
I have said not all Muslims are bad but do us a favour and mass demonstrate against the evil fundamentalists.
To add to your question it's irrelevant what I do its far more important and effective if people of the same religion and beliefs condem the actions of the others. It's the only way it will ever be tamed.
I agree.
Sadly, the victims are now paying the price for the previous mistake of Blair in going into Iraq on lies. What we have now is far worse than Saddam. Iraq under Saddam wouldn't have these scum running around their country. As a consequence, nobody wants to put boots on the ground now they are needed.
As you said, carpet bomb the scum for a week or two and then send the boys in to clear out the rubbish.
Oh, and while they're at it, perhaps we need to proactively track down any scum from our shores out their fighting and destroy their passports or alternatively cut theirheads off.
Not just Iraq, they are from Syria.
Don't worry all is well. The F.B.I. are coming to the UK to sort the extremists out.
Net closes on British extremist butcher who murdered journalist James Foley
INVESTIGATORS believe they will soon identify the hooded barbaric British extremist, ‘John’, who beheaded US journalist James Foley.
Suspects, based on lists of UK nationals known to be among Islamic State fighters, are being assessed.
The executioner is one of three UK radicals dubbed The Beatles, reportedly responsible for overseeing more than 40 Western hostages held by militants in Iraq and Syria.
MORE: Abbott warns beheadings could happen here
World leaders yesterday continued to express their revulsion at the grotesque murder of Foley, 40, whose parents said he was a journalist dedicated to raising awareness of the suffering of ordinary Syrians in the war zone.
Britain’s Scotland Yard and MI5 and the US’s FBI are working to identify ‘John’.
Together with European counter-terror authorities they are trying to match profiles and voice recordings, including from telecommunications intercepts and Guantánamo Bay inmate records, with the recording of the killer.
This terrible incident has deflected world opinion from the savagery of the Jews in Palestine![]()
....and there was Marcos.![]()
Rghtly so, because ISIS are killing thousands more than Israel are. This bunch of savages are a threat to us all - not just other Muslims. And to show that Hamas are just as bad, they pick out 18 guys - most of them probably innocent - and execute them. And you,re saying the Jews are savage? Really!
Blowing up a school and killing kids playing on a beach, wouldn't you call these people savages?
Whoever did it, they are still murderers - none of them are any better than the others. That goes for the Russians who shot down and murdered all those on MH17, those that killed the kids playing on the beach and whoever killed the 3 Israeli teenagers.
Imagine how big and tough each of these felt as they went home to their wife and family after doing a days work of slaughtering innocent people![]()
There are no good kills - it's all bad - but some people are worse than others. Blowing up school kids was not intentional - but be-heading a journalist was! If you want to see the darkest and most inhumane side of people, you only have to look at Islamic fundamentalists. They win hands down
Hey, lets rip out a heart and eat it!
Barabric .....![]()
From the Telegraph letters section....
Yes, but some bananas are not bent enough that needs looking-at too!
Try 5,500 butchered by Isis - and many more if it wasn't for the air strikes
Again you think beheading is the same as a strike to wipe out rocket launchers?
I hope we never have a war where people like you have to stand side by side against the British - you're an embarrassment to your country, if you're British.
I see Les you are concerned about numbers now, the 1,400 dead Palestinians compared to the dead 59 Israelis didn't bother you before![]()
Told you before Joe, it's a fact that the Palestinians use hospital, school areas as launch sites so a worst scenario is going to happen.
Does it concern you that the British and American casualties are far less than the Iraq and Afghanistan ones, or would you like to see more of our boys dead to even it up?
its a fact is it Les, so if its a fact you can give me a rough figure of how many of these 1,400 were human shields ? must be a high figure Les as the Israelis use precision bombing - the same precision that they used on the kids on the beach and the school they blew up, which the UN called a war crime.
what about this fact Les ???
http://www.theguardian.com/world/201...ired-un-schoolThe Israeli military has been forced to retract a statement claiming that the mortar shell that killed a four-year-old Israeli boy on Friday was fired from or near a United Nations school in Gaza.
its about numbers Les,
I'll tell you what Les, see if you think this is a fair bet, as the numbers don't bother you
I'll have a bet with you Les, I'll give you £59 if United finish in the top 3, if they don't you give me £,1400 - which i will donate to a charity of your choice![]()
Yes they do use precision bombing like we do and the Yanks,but if you are as cynical as the Palestinians and want the world to be on your side stuff the rocket site with kids in a building and let the Israelis bomb it and you can claim the moral hight ground.
These people think nothing of committing the most heinous crimes ever seen to man-it's in their blood.
What the west and Israel don't do is slit peoples throats,film it and post it online.
I could not give a .... if I'm deemed as anti Islamic any more.I have seen enough from the fundamentalists to want nothing to do with that ....ed up idealogy.
Luckily people are waking up in this country and seeing it for what it really is.
i have said many times C'mon you moderate Muslims stop pissing about c'mon out in force and decry this evil-not a chance they wont do it.
Like that video posted earlier which was bang on-i noticed you never commented on it or that loony tune NEU75
As for football bet of course i'm not going to take that-we have lots of rebuilding to do-if I did take you on my charity of choice would invole the Jewish community![]()
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