its a fact is it Les, so if its a fact you can give me a rough figure of how many of these 1,400 were human shields ? must be a high figure Les as the Israelis use precision bombing - the same precision that they used on the kids on the beach and the school they blew up, which the UN called a war crime.
what about this fact Les ??? Israeli military has been forced to retract a statement claiming that the mortar shell that killed a four-year-old Israeli boy on Friday was fired from or near a United Nations school in Gaza.
its about numbers Les,
I'll tell you what Les, see if you think this is a fair bet, as the numbers don't bother you
I'll have a bet with you Les, I'll give you £59 if United finish in the top 3, if they don't you give me £,1400 - which i will donate to a charity of your choice![]()