I was doing some research on how laws are passed in the Philippines...

I found this.

The various steps in the passage of a bill:

1. First Reading - Any member of either house may present a proposed bill, signed by him, for First Reading and reference to the proper committee. During the First Reading, the principal author of the bill may propose the inclusion of additional authors thereof.

2. Referral to Appropriate Committee - Immediately after the First Reading, the bill is referred to the proper committee or committees for study and consideration. If disapproved in the committee, the bill dies a natural death unless the House decides other wise, following the submission of the report.

3. Second Reading - If the committee reports the bill favorably, the bills is forwarded to the Committee on Rules so that it may be calendared for deliberation on Second Reading. At this stage, the bill is read for the second time in its entirely, together with the amendments, if any, proposed by the committee, unless the reading is dispensed with by a majority vote of the House.

4. Debates - A general debate is then opened after the Second Reading and amendments may be proposed by any member of Congress. The insertion of changes or amendments shall be done in accordance with the rules of either House. The House may either "kill" or pass the bill.

5. Printing and Distribution - After approval of the bill on Second Reading, the bills is then ordered printed in its final form and copies of it are distributed among the members of the House three days before its passage, except when the bill was certified by the President. A bill approved on Second Reading shall be included in the calendar of bills for Third Reading.

6. Third Reading - At this stage, only the title of the bill is read. Upon the last reading of a bill, no amendment thereto is allowed and the vote thereon is taken immediately thereafter, and yeas and nays entered in the journal. A member may abstain. As a rule, a majority of the members constituting a quorum is sufficient to pass a bill.

7. Referral to the Other House - If approved, the bill is then referred to the other House where substantially the same procedure takes place.

8. Submission to Joint Bicameral Committee - Differences, if any, between the House's bill and the Senate's amended version, and vice versa are submitted to a conference committee of members of both Houses for compromise. If either House accepts the changes made by the other, no compromise is necessary.

9. Submission to the President - A bill approved on Third Reading by both Houses shall be printed and forthwith transmitted to the President for his action - approval or disapproval. If the President does not communicate his veto of any bill to the House where it originated within 30 days from receipt thereof, it shall become a law as if he signed it. Bill repassed by Congress over the veto of the President automatically becomes a law.

So I guess its just got passed its second reading...

I wonder how long the rest of the process will take.