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Thread: Apostille Stamp required or not?

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Apostille Stamp required or not?

    Hi gang,

    Hope yer all well.

    Just wondering if I need to get an Apostille Stamp on each of the documents I'll bring with me to the Philippines when I get married there?

    I spoke to the Irish Embassy today, and the guy who was there mentioned something about this type of stamp potentially being required at the Registry Office in the Province where I will get married.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Is Authentication/Anapostille Stamp Required?

    Hi gang,

    I'm just on the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs website, and it mentions a service of the DFA which 'authenticates' the documents for recognition in countries outside of Ireland.

    Here's the link:

    Just wondering if I need to get this done for the relevant documents for my wedding in the Philippines which is starting in November 2014?


  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hi, Ed. Sorry to see you haven't yet had any replies to the query you raised yesterday.

    Tbh ... I, myself wasn't even aware of the "need" for the procedure you mention, but then ... ... it's possible the rules for marriage in countries abroad may well be different for Irish citizens.

    Regrettably, therefore, I'm unable to answer your question. Having said that, I've merged your two threads on this subject - since they BOTH relate to the same topic - in the hope that someone else here can soon, either confirm or refute such a requirement.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddiek View Post
    .......... link is the one I'd read, too ... but 'fraid I'm still none the wiser!

  5. #5
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Thanks for your help Arthur, no worries.

    Hopefully someone here will have come across this topic in the past.

    Thanks anyway for your help

  6. #6
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    You're still cutting the schedule down and may need to re-schedule the wedding.

    No offence intended mate but you're also still digging too deeply into issues that have no relevance.

    I kindly suggest you focus on the 2 must have documents to get married:-

    - Certificate of freedom to marry
    - Marriage licence

    The certificate of freedom to marry, which is needed to marry in Philippines, should be secured through normal procedures and finally issued by the Embassy/Consulate in Philippines as stipulated by the Philippine legal system.

    Can you make an urgent personal visit to the Irish Embassy here and seek their guidance to fast track your Nulla Osta and explain how they normally process for compliance with Philippine law via local issue.

    September is almost upon must get a wiggle on Ed

  7. #7
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    hi Terpe,

    Thanks for the info, all is under control regards the paperwork for the wedding etc.

    I have already made contact with the irish embassy in london.

    there is a 120 day validity period on the freedom to marry certificate, so I have already arranged with the lady at the irish embassy, to accept my papers now, and to wait until the start of 1st of October.

    On this date she will then process my papers, allowing the freedom to marry certificate to be valid beyond the date of the actually wedding which is taking place on the 15th January 2015.

    I will be preparing the application for the freedom to marry certificate tomorrow with the help of my fiancé who will be on Skype. Once it's printed off, I will then get a signature from a solicitor on our legal team at work. and submit the application form along with the payment.

    Thanks for your support Terpe, but i think I'm ok.

    Thank you for continuing to guide me along the right path.

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