Hello lonely Mummy ? what a name girl, I see Ervenescence, (Erve SORT YOUR NAME OUT GIRL i CAN NEVER SPELL IT.) has given you good advice, actually, if I didnt know better I would have said she is Essex girl through and through...but I know better.

Erve has said much of what many of the guys on this forum probably want to tell you, however, what suprises me, is that this isnt a short term relationship, I am assuming from your post, and as Tom says, we can only go on what information you are supplying us, i.e. your side of the story, but again I am assuming that over the 3 years you have known your British BF, that he has visited a few times ?

At least one time he has been I can see that, because he thought he picked up STD from you ? hmmmm what a nice guy ! thought you gave him the clap, what was it ? NSU, or Clamydia ? its one or the other, I hope he didnt catch the crabs and then try and pass that one off on you....

He sounds like a real charmer ! young lady i will say this to you, do you have respect for this man, who dares to suggest you passed him an infection associated with sexual relations.

And yet you have forgiven him for suggesting it, I have a high regard and much respect for the Spouses Fiancee's and Girlfriends on this forum, and I doubt whether any of their partners, have ever suggested that to them, its the one thing we know we can count on, that is the chasteness of the Filipina in relationships.

It concerns me that such a man would suggest such a thing, and to admit to you that he visited a massage parlour, many of the gentleman on this forum, have spent long periods on their own, living in UK, waiting for their ladies to join them here, they have not resorted to visiting massage parlours, nor have they engaged in activities that would bring any disrespect to the relationship.

This man clearly has crossed the line, As Ian quite rightly points out, better to visit a massage parlour for a one night stand, than to carry on in an affair, but the fact of the matter is, this is not a good start to your life in the UK, and you told us you have been with him for 3 years, that tells me you should know quite alot about him.

You know him better than anyone else, so its your decision at the end of the day, all the advice you receive here, wont save you if you are hellbent on continuing on with this man, which I suspect you will do.

Keith is correct when he points out, that most men in this country will not have a problem with accepting your children, its not always easy to do so, because its a ready made family, but I assume you have not withheld from your BF in the first instance, that you had children, so he cannot complain you have misled him.

If it was a problem for him, he would have gently eased out of the relationship with you very shortly after you told him, some men do not want to court women who have children already, and that is their choice.

As far as financial support for your children is concerned, I think you are to be applauded if you decided to come here and work, because you could support your children from your own hard work, so whats his problem ? some men are just plain and simple, tight as axxxxholes, Erve kind of put it quite well....Mr Txxxxsser wasnt it Erve ?

Watch this video on youtube....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMGdYXsvJKA

This guy will cause you heartache young lady, but I wish you well in whatever you do.