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Thread: Lonely Mummy Needs Advide

  1. #31
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello lonely Mummy ? what a name girl, I see Ervenescence, (Erve SORT YOUR NAME OUT GIRL i CAN NEVER SPELL IT.) has given you good advice, actually, if I didnt know better I would have said she is Essex girl through and through...but I know better.

    Erve has said much of what many of the guys on this forum probably want to tell you, however, what suprises me, is that this isnt a short term relationship, I am assuming from your post, and as Tom says, we can only go on what information you are supplying us, i.e. your side of the story, but again I am assuming that over the 3 years you have known your British BF, that he has visited a few times ?

    At least one time he has been I can see that, because he thought he picked up STD from you ? hmmmm what a nice guy ! thought you gave him the clap, what was it ? NSU, or Clamydia ? its one or the other, I hope he didnt catch the crabs and then try and pass that one off on you....

    He sounds like a real charmer ! young lady i will say this to you, do you have respect for this man, who dares to suggest you passed him an infection associated with sexual relations.

    And yet you have forgiven him for suggesting it, I have a high regard and much respect for the Spouses Fiancee's and Girlfriends on this forum, and I doubt whether any of their partners, have ever suggested that to them, its the one thing we know we can count on, that is the chasteness of the Filipina in relationships.

    It concerns me that such a man would suggest such a thing, and to admit to you that he visited a massage parlour, many of the gentleman on this forum, have spent long periods on their own, living in UK, waiting for their ladies to join them here, they have not resorted to visiting massage parlours, nor have they engaged in activities that would bring any disrespect to the relationship.

    This man clearly has crossed the line, As Ian quite rightly points out, better to visit a massage parlour for a one night stand, than to carry on in an affair, but the fact of the matter is, this is not a good start to your life in the UK, and you told us you have been with him for 3 years, that tells me you should know quite alot about him.

    You know him better than anyone else, so its your decision at the end of the day, all the advice you receive here, wont save you if you are hellbent on continuing on with this man, which I suspect you will do.

    Keith is correct when he points out, that most men in this country will not have a problem with accepting your children, its not always easy to do so, because its a ready made family, but I assume you have not withheld from your BF in the first instance, that you had children, so he cannot complain you have misled him.

    If it was a problem for him, he would have gently eased out of the relationship with you very shortly after you told him, some men do not want to court women who have children already, and that is their choice.

    As far as financial support for your children is concerned, I think you are to be applauded if you decided to come here and work, because you could support your children from your own hard work, so whats his problem ? some men are just plain and simple, tight as axxxxholes, Erve kind of put it quite well....Mr Txxxxsser wasnt it Erve ?

    Watch this video on youtube....

    This guy will cause you heartache young lady, but I wish you well in whatever you do.

  2. #32
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I think you need to be on your own to sort out your problems first on your OWN. Money is not solving this clearly unhappy situation. Examine this carefully

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    I have a question. Whats the biological father doing?Does he contribute?Why is your current bf getting all the pressure?
    The ex husband already have another family and not supporting my children financially as he said he will only support his children if my kids will live in his house, but I did not want to give my children to him, as I rather to work hard and support my children.
    Im not giving a pressure to my bf of supporting my children only now that Im unemployed because I gave up my job to get all the papers sorted out, and as for supporting my children he will only do it while I have no job, but as soon as I get one he wont need to worry about my kids. I know this is sound very unselfish mum, but as I said if I didn`t meet my bf I will be working abroad anyway to support my children until they finish their study.
    Thanks for your reply.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    You know him better than anyone else, so its your decision at the end of the day, all the advice you receive here, wont save you if you are hellbent on continuing on with this man, which I suspect you will do
    Hi ginapeterb,
    Thank you so much for taking your time to reply to my post.
    I`ve emailed him yesterday and told him what are my worries. But I did a mistake that unconsciously reply to his email and it was his work email address and in the end he get very cross because I have mentioned in that email about the massage parlour and this is his reply;

    How much money do you need to leave my life altogether?

    I know that its my fault, I just forget that his email address at work can be view in the public sector and that he gave me warning before that I have to be careful when sending email in his work. I was just replying to his email and because I was very upset and confused yesterday I unconsciouly email him and pour out what`s in my side. Now, the situation became more complicated. I emailed him again and ask for apology but he never replied anymore. He didnt come online this morning as well.
    I think I will just have to accept the truth, that this is all won`t work anymore. I guess, Im not really lucky in love. I will have to accept that Im destined to be alone forever. I know it is very difficult for me to start now, but my children are here to give me inspiration to move on. You know, what also made me depressed, I gave up my job and now my annulment is almost finished and Im just waiting for the decree. If Im thinking all the money I spent for that annulment, I would have enough money now to start my life here without leaving my children. Im going to move to other place where nobody knows us as what had happened to me is a big embarrassment to my entire family. Friends, neighbors, relatives know about him as he`s been here several times. He`s mocking me about the money that he spent to our relationships, but that is money and can regain again, but what about my dignity and the time that I`ve spent, my job that has been lost and self confidence. Im sorry Im too emotional here.I just can`t help it. I can`t find a friend to lean on now and I know they will just blame me for not listening to them.
    Thank you so much for everyone who give their time to read and reply to my post. I know somehow he might read this post, as I know he is visiting this website from time to time he might curse me for bringing up our problem to the forum.
    Yes wyn2wyn is right, that there are people follow their heart and thats what had happened to me.

    Thank you so much again.

  5. #35
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Thing will be better soon Elaine, just keep going
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I will have to accept that Im destined to be alone forever.
    That's what my wife used to say .....then she met me.....and has to live the rest of her days sharing with the scouse anti-christ

    If Im thinking all the money I spent for that annulment,
    Actually, this is a good thing you've done it anyway, as it clears the road for the future, one less hurdle to worry about.

    How much money do you need to leave my life altogether?
    To be honest, I think that says it all..........and remember, you always have plenty of people to chat to here for support

    Plenty of decent guys will have you and the kids, and bring them here, as long as you don't look like Quasimodo.....otherwise you'll be best on the blind dating forums.....

    We've gone all Welsh
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
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    mommi, it is better that u and this guy are finished! Move on! U can find a great guy who will accept u and ur kids in Filipino Uk Dating sitte ( )

    i know this is for the best

    i can understand you are emotional right now

    but it will pass and everything will get better soon


  8. #38
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Mummy, just have faith and I am sure everything will be alright..

    in GOD's time everything will fall into its proper places..

    U unconsciously replied to his work adress and he gets upset with u..isnt it a good sign that God is making it easier for u to decide to let go and move on?

  9. #39
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    Hello Again Elaine, It will really be hard for you this time but what happened I believed is still God’s plan at least you don’t have to weigh anymore as the sign is already there.

    Move on! Your children are there and I know from them you are getting your strength.

    It will be difficult at first but once you overcome the situation you will just laughed when you recall in the future to come.

    Don’t say you are not lucky in love! But maybe the right one has not yet come. Just be patient all things will fall when the right time comes and don’t lose hope. God will guide you through on this. Just keep your faith.

    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  10. #40
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    amen ladies

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