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Thread: Legality of Philippine marraige in the UK?

  1. #1
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    So, for once, I'm asking for advice I've had many conflicting views about this subject, and I'm getting 10 different answers.

    Elsa and I married in Palo in a simple civil ceremony 2 years ago. Now the wedding took place OUTSIDE the UK, but is legally reconized by the British Embassy in Manila for purposes of immigration, and of course, it is a legal marriage in the Philippines.

    Now, what is the status of our marriage in the UK?

    In the eyes of UK law, are we actually legally married or not?, even though Elsa has my surname on her passport, she has a UK Visa stating "Spouse of Robert...." and she is legally entitled to live and work in the UK.

    My local registry were of not much help..they gave me a phone number for FCO in London. I called the FCO and they basically said you cannot register the marriage here in UK, but you can submit the marriage document for filing at FCO..

    Hope someone can help!

  2. #2

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    I had the same question when I returned to the UK with my Filipina bride

    Your marriage is legal and recognised in UK law

    You need take no further action

    Your next step is to obtain ILR for your wife - two years after her arrival date

    When she has been here for 3 years she can (should Elsa so wish) apply for British Nationality and obtain a UK passport

    Sorry I cant give you any web site to refer to

    Originally posted by walesrob@Jan 25 2006, 03:49 PM
    So, for once, I'm asking for advice I've had many conflicting views about this subject, and I'm getting 10 different answers.

    Elsa and I married in Palo in a simple civil ceremony 2 years ago. Now the wedding took place OUTSIDE the UK, but is legally reconized by the British Embassy in Manila for purposes of immigration, and of course, it is a legal marriage in the Philippines.

    Now, what is the status of our marriage in the UK?

    In the eyes of UK law, are we actually legally married or not?, even though Elsa has my surname on her passport, she has a UK Visa stating "Spouse of Robert...." and she is legally entitled to live and work in the UK.

    My local registry were of not much help..they gave me a phone number for FCO in London. I called the FCO and they basically said you cannot register the marriage here in UK, but you can submit the marriage document for filing at FCO..

    Hope someone can help!

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mupsuit@Jan 25 2006, 05:22 PM
    I had the same question when I returned to the UK with my Filipina bride

    Your marriage is legal and recognised in UK law

    You need take no further action

    Your next step is to obtain ILR for your wife - two years after her arrival date

    When she has been here for 3 years she can (should Elsa so wish) apply for British Nationality and obtain a UK passport

    Sorry I cant give you any web site to refer to

    Rob, your marriage is Legal in the UK, its just not necessary to inform the UK authorities about it, but under international law, the marriage is acceptable, you can deposit your marriage cert with UK Authorities, but of what benefit is that ? I can't see a need to do that, the British Embassy were quite happy to release Elsa's visa, the interesting thing to note here is this:

    "When I collected my Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage in Philippines" way way back, it says this

    " The marriage may not be recognized under the Laws of England and Wales"

    So I queried this with the Vice Consul and told him that the LCM is ambiguous, since it says one thing and then infers another "

    They said, its ok, its legal, but then I said, "But it says it may not be " and they said

    "Its ok, its always typed out like that"

    I rest my case.

    to be or not to be that is the question !!

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Originally posted by mupsuit@Jan 25 2006, 06:22 PM
    I had the same question when I returned to the UK with my Filipina bride

    Your marriage is legal and recognised in UK law

    You need take no further action

    Your next step is to obtain ILR for your wife - two years after her arrival date

    When she has been here for 3 years she can (should Elsa so wish) apply for British Nationality and obtain a UK passport

    Sorry I cant give you any web site to refer to
    My daughter has British nationality because her mother and I were married (in the Philippines) before she was born. If we were out of wedlock there would an entirely different process to get British nationality for the little 'un. Which shows the Brit government recognise marriage made in heaven, er, in the Philippines oh:

    My wife has now also obtained Brit nationality after three years living in the UK; full British Passport and all that stuff.

  5. #5

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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Jan 27 2006, 04:47 AM
    My daughter has British nationality because her mother and I were married (in the Philippines) before she was born. If we were out of wedlock there would an entirely different process to get British nationality for the little 'un. Which shows the Brit government recognise marriage made in heaven, er, in the Philippines oh:

    My wife has now also obtained Brit nationality after three years living in the UK; full British Passport and all that stuff.

    Re Paulo's comment on nationalty for his daughter

    Being married first is the clearest case and the easiest for a British passport

    However if the parents were not married to each other but legally free to marry when the child was born then under PI the child can subsequently be "legitemised" after the parents marry. This would be the first step to secure a British passport for the child

    However if either parent was "divorce pending" Philiipines law has no provision to make the child legitmate

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