Well it's only fair I give my reasons on why I have had enough, as I owe you that.
Ok, I'm no Angel - I do get wound up and can handle any argument and try to end it with a smile.
You cannot handle any argument, you end up insulting people
I'm not always right, but like many on here, find that hard to accept.
Nobody is always right.
First of all, one thing I am not a racist - contrary to what one or two people think - but I certainly am not a fan of Radical Muslims, the Burka, Ramadam,Female mutilation, beheading etc.
I don't like the awful no go areas I see in our country and will always speak my mind on that.
Many of your ideas are racist and if you can’t see that, I feel sorry for you. Racism is also against the law. If you were in a public place and talked the way you do here I think you would be hushed up quite quickly
I feel I have to justify on here that I'm a fan of our British culture not the Multiculturalism failure that this country finds itself in now. It's a bloody mess and will get worse - not helped by certain individuals who have no interest in British values and tradition and think we should have a mosque on every corner.
What your ideals are do not correspond with what is actually happening in the UK. We are a multi-cultural society whether you like it or not.
I'm not one to run away from discussions on here and I can be a bit harsh.
You have run away from many questions. I asked you twice did you what you thought about the land that the Israelis took from the Palestinians but no reply from you.
So let's look at today and I'm at work. Nice sunny day and suddenly - out of the blue - Neu75 starts having digs. Don't get me wrong, I have had a go back and name called in annoyance.
Insults are not allowed, I see you have been on the forum long enough and should know that.
It was very difficult replying while working and getting picked up on grammar while I'm quickly typing on phone ins between jobs.
I can spell and understand the meaning of sentences but not easy when I can't do it because I'm working.
He decided to push my buttons and I fell for it. If I had been at home he would have got a more measured response.
He claims I don't answer his questions. He failed to answer any of mine with any reasoning. Like I said on here, he pops up, snipes and disappears.
I think you will see I answered many of your questions.
I did not threaten to report you or this site for being racist. Get your facts straight.
How can you despise me when you have never met me. I don’t despise you. We sit at our computers and have personal beliefs. We have to defend our beliefs by being calm and not resort to insulting others.