Typing as I think, so please excuse the lack of a well constructed rant.

1. Let's all try and remember where we are and the one thing that brings us all here, Filipinouk says it all really doesn't it

2. Politics: We all have our opinions, some agree and some don't and admittedly I'm one of the first to bite but sometimes it's better to bite your tongue rather than have a kneejerk reaction.

3. Religion: Again different opinions and all valid. Can we try and not confuse race with religion and then bring xenophobic attitudes into discussions

There seems to be a lot of back-stabbing going on at the moment, and for this forum to grow surely we should be encouraging new members rather than pushing the existing ones away.

Only 2 more points:-

Keith, I'm surprised you haven't made any comments to what's going on, but there again, maybe you're biting your tongue - in which case you have my admiration - it's not something I could have done.

Fred, post some more jokes for goodness sake, we all need a good laugh.