Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
On your first point, I couldn't disagree more. Driving properly, using lane discipline and keeping a safe distance will keep your brain alert as opposed to sitting in the middle lane with not much to concentrate on.

Mainly drive on the M4, M25 and M40 except when I'm going up tut north

There's no way you can draw a comparison between a German autobahn and a British motorway.

I drive a 5ltr supercharged V8, with over 500BHP, you have a guess at what speed I travel at
When I'm in middle lane there is nothing that near me, my concentration is taking over slower people than me in middle lane. I do keep a safe distance but will always disagree with you about going in and out of inside lane time after time - for one thing, some people don't even indicate they are pulling out, so I'm indicating - the car behind me soes not notice it and he pulls out same time as me
Meanwhile, if I'm in centre lane driving at a steady speed, keeping safe distance I'm a hindrance to no-one