Hi guys,
I'm currently researching the the accommodation requirement for when Levin comes across.
Since Levin will be applying on EEA there are no specific accommodation requirements.
She just needs to provide information on the address she will be living at once she arrives in the UK.
I have read a guide on supporting documents required and it states the following:
Confirmation letter from the landlord required, stating that he consents Levin to stay at the address.
Details of any existing tenants at the property
I'm currently staying in shared rented accommodation, however, I was considering to move out before I realised how expensive it was going to be. I have no problem paying extra for a 1 bed apt when Levin arrives, but I see it as wasted money right now, before she arrives.
This has led me to ask my existing landlord at my current shared/rented accommodation for consent for Levin to use my current address as the basis for our first address in the UK once she lands in UK.
As soon as Levin lands, the intention will be to find a place of our own, and obviously update the UKVI of our new address as soon as everything is confirmed.
My questions to you guys are:
1. What type of information
needs to be outlined in the landlord's statement?
2. What types of details need to be provided about the accommodation generally, and the other tenants?
3. I have also heard of people involving Estate Agents to assess the property, to show that it's fit for dwelling, and does not have an overcrowding issue - but I'm assuming this is not necessary for EEA Family Permit applicants since there are no minimum requirements on accommodation.
4. I'm assuming Levin will need to provide photos of the property also?
Any info on the above would be great, thanks.