Took my spotless,gleaming taxi in already pre-MOT'd for it's 6 monthly compliance test.
After not ringing me to say it had passed/failed I rang them.
"Oh sorry mate, it's failed on a list of things
1/Left and right rear shocks severely leaking fluid
2/Top rear window Brake light-less than 50% of LED's light up
3/Anti-roll bar joint worn".
Well I flew up there in a rage as I know it was .......s, got young lad in reception to explain it all
I said if it's severely leaking how come none on my drive?-The answer was "Don't know mate!"
I mentioned it had been pre-tested 24 hours before would it not have been noticed?
His answer was: "Maybe the tester is having a bad day." I said, "I will make it worse, Ipromise!"
Then we discussed brake light - the 3rd light if you know what I mean - I said, "When I press my brake it lights up red." He said, "Not enough red"
Apparently that's a fail so can't argue, but I still think people know what it means. Plus I have my main Brake lights too.
Anti roll bar jointfair enough, but it certainly wasn't clattering.
Said get me the boss and I said I don't believe it's leaking fluid he came to look.
Straight away he admitted neither shocks were leaking and looked sheepish.
I said, "how come?" He replied that the tester must have got mixed up!
What is annoying is, I lose money all the time it's off the road. If I had said in the earlier phone call, "Ok, please fix it all", then I would have had to pay for 2 shockers.
Anyway, I said just to do the light and joint today if possible - to which they agreed - as it's too much hassle taking the car back to my own garage for them to order etc.
I was lent a transit van to get home in.
Anyway, the bill better be around the £100 mark and no-more.
Annoyed from Harrogate!!!