Watched it - no clear winner on the night for me apart from the fact Salmond is an anti English .....
Watched it - no clear winner on the night for me apart from the fact Salmond is an anti English .....
Watched it as well.
Felt a bit sorry for Alistair Darling, who - in spite of being a Labour politician - spoke sensibly and seemed to have the best interests of Scotland at heart ...... whenever he was able to get a word in edgeways, without being constantly interrupted by Smarmy Salmond
who, true to form, gave his usual impression of knowing all the answers
- except, that is, the ones the voters actually needed to hear!
No surprises, therefore, that the 'BIG Debate' grabbed the headlines on the BBC's News at Ten ... when Holyrood Political Commentator, Brian Taylor remarked that Alec Salmond would be the "happierof the two of them going home tonight."
Probably because of his role as the last - or perhaps I ought to say, most recent - Scottish politician to have held the crucial incumbency of Chancellor of the Exchequer and thus deemed best-qualified to deal with questions relating to the backlash Independence is bound to have on Scotland's economic future ... plus, I should imagine he's judged by many of those (from ALL parties) leading the "NO" Campaign, to be a better orator than his long-serving, immediate predecessor and fellow Scot, Gordon Brown.![]()
Loved the way Salmond purposely used the 'I will step in front of my platform technique' to try to appear more sincere.
Saw through that straight away. I'm not anti-Scottish and have friends up there, but if they decide to leave the UK then I hope we screw them on the pound exchange rate.
Oh another thing banging on about how he would remove 'Weapons of mass destruction' cynical .... using that as an argument.
I expect to meet Alistair Darling tonight at a Memorial Service in Glasgow University for Sam Galbraith
( ).
It’s a celebration of Sam’s life, and not my place as an expat Scot to voice strong opinions … but if I could vote, it would be “ No “ to independence for Scotland!
Well said Doc - hope the service goes well
Here's me imagining that was you up there on the platform, Alan!
Seriously ... it's good to read you're travelling up to Glasgow to join forces with your lookalike at the memorial service for your erstwhile university alumini and noted neurosurgeon-turned politician ... as I thought you might.![]()
So, if it's a 'yes', presumably all the Scots presently resident in England will be booted out until they have received a 'visitor visa'...including those in Parliament ?![]()
I don't think either party did at all well last night. As someone who is still to decide I don't feel the debate did me any good at all. I am not a fan of Salmond at all but I did think he did slightly better last night and was a little more prepared. Having said that neither of them actually gave very many useful answers. I obviously have to take immigration seriously as independence could have a massive impact on Hubbies visa but so far no one seems to have mentioned it so I have no idea what will happen. At the moment I can see benefits to both sides but nothing that was said last night has pushed me one way or the other so I still don't know what to do![]()
Maybe the saying 'Better the devil you know' comes into play![]()
I am not anti-Scottish but I do find Salmond a detestable person.
All that stupid flag waving at Wimbledon after Andy Murray won did it for me
He looked like a complete idiot and a gurning clown
I think Darling fluffed it to be honest. He did well last time but I,m afraid he allowed Slimy Salmond to gain lost ground.
I am still confident the ordinary man in the street will see through him.
I think even "YES" voters are not particularly fond of Salmond. I really feel the debates are a waste of time as they are not real debates, they are between two big kids shouting over each other, neither one making any good, clear points.
Hope it's a no vote, but have my doubts!![]()
Oh, thought this deserved it's own separate post. Should Scotland become independent, then what will happen to their British passports?
Scots certainly wouldn't be British anymore. Since they would likely be out of the EU too, there's a good chance they'd need visas to visit Magaluf.
Salmond's a plank!
It's up to the Scots really, not over bothered either way.
Thing is, it has to be said, just WHY break up one of the most successful unions in history?
Let's go back to the time of union. Politicians can bleat all they want, the fact is the Scots agreed because they were bankrupt, and the English agreed because they realised it would mean a secure defensible border.
That's ancient history though. Don't forget mind, countries all over Europe were forming by basic conquest. In this case England happened to be stronger, if Scotland had been stronger they would have done the other words, "happens"
Have to say I find it slightly nuts when some Scots whinge about Edward I. It's 800 sodding years ago, but anyway.
There can only be two logical reasons to split the union:
Reason one - Scots would be better off. Well I haven't studied this, but with an economic background, at best they would be marginally better off - nowhere near as much as Salmond would like to say. What he overlooks is that independent countries have a lot of hidden costs, such as Defence, Maintaning Embassies..........and really has nobody thought what an attractive target to terrorists a poorly defended oil platform would be? Just think about it.
Reason two - the "We Hate the English" brigade. Would like to think most Scots are above this imbecilic behaviour, but who knows?
What doesn't seem to have reached the rest of the UK, is that Scotland breaking away would have a huge impact on the rest.
There would be a large international border to the North, and coupled with Salmond's policy of mass immigration, this would be a huge headache. It doesn't take a genius to realise many will spend a few days in Glasgow, think sod this and head for London.
Then there is the UK's standing in the rest of the world. The UK punches well above it's weight. Gone will be the Security Council seat, possibly the membership of the G7 etc etc etc
Something else - and possibly the real reason the Tories are so against the breakup of the union, when so many people keep saying how much easier it would be for them to rule. Without Scotland, the UK would be an economic minnow. Frankly the UK would find it very difficult to exist outside the EU. Currently as the full union, the UK has a lot of leverage and would be a world economic power in itself.
A yes vote - we'd better get allied closer to Europe
Me too - the canny Scots are worried about being worse off and they won't take that gambleIt will be a "NO" vote, Michael ... I'm fairly confident of it!![]()
It's already been agreed that regardless of a Yes or No outcome there'll be wide changing changes/additions to devolution under The Scotland Act 1998
Personally I've no idea what that means.....maybe some others do ?
Basically they are saying that even if its a NO vote Scotland will be given more control over itself. However they have not said exactly what powers we would be given yet
Hardly anything I reckon it's just a sweetner
Nobody actually believes anything will change if it is a No
I didn't watch it but it seems unsurprisingly the BBC allowed a rabble audience to fix it
Row over Scotland debate 'rent-a-mob': BBC accused of bias after viewers complained independence supporters were allowed to challenge Alistair Darling
Read more:
Yes, I watched it and thought it was biased
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