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Thread: Applying for ILR after 2years of marriage

  1. #1
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    Applying for ILR after 2years of marriage

    Hi All,

    Good Day!

    my wife is applying for her ILR Visa on the 9th of november,we've been together since we got married on December 2005,could you please advice me what are the main requirements for this ILR Visa.i rang IND and told me to bring 5 documents each of us from 2006 to 2007,and also what form do we need to fill in,is it Form Set (M)? Thank you very much.

    best wishes and God Bless


  2. #2
    Respected Member stuartfarm's Avatar
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    Yes its the set(m) form

    Go to

    There a guide there that can help

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Use the SEARCH on here, question asked many times before.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With regards evidence get a couple of folders and put all your evidence in your name in one file, your wifes in another and all your evidence in both names in a third. Make sure all the evidence is in date order starting from the time your wife first arrived.
    Take every bit of evidence not just your 5 best each as i think it helps if they see you have filed all the evidence and have plenty.
    Technical we were supposed to provide 20 indivual pieces but i think it was only 15 as the lady i think was overwhelmed by the huge size of the folders we had (yes getting a kitchen sink in to a folder is hard but you never know) every one else around us mainly had a few small folders and most seemed to have just stuffed the evidence in any old wayand while waiting for my wifes passport we noticed many of the people checking the info just couldn't belive that people were so ill prepared for such a important time.

    Which peo office are you going to?

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi andypaul,

    thank you very much for your advice,we are going to croydon office.

    best wishes

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael View Post
    hi andypaul,

    thank you very much for your advice,we are going to croydon office.

    best wishes

    Thats where we went a few months back make sure you get there early and queue up in the right place.

    What time is your appoiment?

    There is one very useful website aimed at students but showing maps and how to get to the Croydon PEO i think aromlus posted the link recently.

    If this weekend your off download the set (m) and guidance notes and print out if possible. Then read though and start checking all your paperwork.

    From what i have read of peoples experiences what the official will ask for can vary a little so best to have the paperwork spot on.

    We had a nine oclock appoiment and luckily was inside the buliding and though the security check, intial paperwork check, paying the fee and sitting waiting for our number to be called before 9am we were called to our counter just half an hour later or so that was over and told the Wife was granted ILR and we could wait in the buliding or go round croydon and come back later to pick up the Wifes passport.
    All done and on the train before 12.

  7. #7
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    hi andypaul,

    our appoinment at 9am,what documents did u show to them?is it 5 documents each of us from 2006 and 2007?could you pls advice me.

    thank you very much

    best wishes


  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    The rules inform us that IND must examine evidence that confirms these two requirements...

    (ii) the applicant is still the spouse or civil partner of the person he or she was admitted or granted an extension of stay to join and the marriage is subsisting; and

    (iii) each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or civil partner; and

    So the answer is yes. During the two year probationary period, the spouse should be collecting and saving high-quality evidence that demonstrate the marriage is subsisting. To establish this, the IND relies entirely on correspondence sent to the spouse's address. This can be difficult for some couples because the spouse's name needs to appear in correspondence almost from the beginning of the probationary period. The text below is taken from the SET(M) form...

    You must provide documents of the kind described below as evidence that you and your spouse or partner live together. Please provide ten items of correspondence of the kind, or from the sources listed below, addressed to you and your spouse or partner jointly during each of the past 2 years if they clearly show that you live together at the same address. At least 5 of these documents should be from different sources. If you have not received any such correspondence that is addressed to you and your spouse or partner jointly, it is acceptable to provide no less than 4 items addressed to one of you and no more than 6 items addressed to the other partner during each of the past 2 years so long as they show the same address.

    telephone bills or statements
    gas bills or statements
    electricity bills or statements
    water rates bills or statements
    council tax bills or statements
    local social services department
    local health authority
    government department or agency (eg Department of Health, Inland Revenue, Department for Work and Pensions, Employment Service)
    bank or building society statements or passbooks
    credit card statements
    insurance certificates complete with address
    mortgage statements or agreement
    tenancy agreement

    To summarize, a total of 20 items are required: 10 from the first year; and 10 from the second year. Of these 20 items, a minimum of 5 different sources should be included, and the correspondence should be addressed to both partners. In the absence of jointly addressed correspondence, the IND will accept the following bundle: 4 letters addressed to the applicant in the first year; 4 letters addressed to the applicant in the second year; 6 letters addressed to the sponsoring partner in the first year; and 6 letters addressed to the sponsoring partner in the second year.

    Here are some additional tips:
    If you have trouble getting your partner on your council tax notices, get the council to send your partner a letter explaining why. As ILR evidence, it's just as good as a council tax notice.
    British Gas can be abysmally slow in changing its bills to show the names of both residents and we recommend a substantial lead time be given. If you need utility bills from the early part of the probationary period, you may have better luck switching to Powergen or another provider.
    If the spouse registers with an employment agency, ask them to send a letter by post confirming the arrangement.
    The sponsor does not need to wait until the spouse has arrived in the UK to begin changing the telephone and utility bills. This can begin before the probationary period begins.
    Creating a joint bank account with a newly arrived spouse can be frustrating because of the FSA requirements for opening a bank account in the UK (see identification). Some UK banks, however, will allow the spouse to be added to an existing account as a subsidiary.
    Congestion charge notices, parking tickets that show the address, driving permits, and the like are all correspondence from a government agency.

    from the excellent transpondia

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael View Post
    hi andypaul,

    our appoinment at 9am,what documents did u show to them?is it 5 documents each of us from 2006 and 2007?could you pls advice me.

    thank you very much

    best wishes


    Off the top of my head i can't remeber but we took bank accounts, our telephone, bills, nhs letters, House insurance letter anything with my wifes, mine or both our names on it that had a date on it

    They were more keener on info with my name on it than my wifes to be honest. the paperwork had to spread across the two years evenly.
    If i remeber correctly do you have something from say sept 06 and something from apr 06 etc so she had it spread right aross. I used both bank statments and my payslips mainly. if you search at the time i wrote about it i think in more detail.

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi everyone,

    I want your opinion or advice about our documents for my wife ILR Visa

    My wife
    payslips 2006-2007
    bankstatements 2006-2007
    Nhs Card 2006 - 2007
    inland revenue Paying coding notice 2006
    work contract 2006-2007
    P45 2007
    CRB 2006-2007
    National Insurance letter 2006

    my self:
    payslips 2006-2007
    life insurance 2006 -2007
    tv license 2006-2007
    bank statements 2006 -2007
    driving license
    DVLA registration
    gym membership 2007
    brakedown cover 2007

    Both Names:
    council tax 2006-2007
    water bills 2006-2007
    saving accounts 2006 -2007
    tenancy aggrement 2006-2007

    thank you very mcuh

    best wishes


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