Been a bit (well very) disappointed by the food places in and near MOA. Last time we were there, the family group were adamant there was a fish restaurant there, and spent ages looking for it. When they eventually found it, it was like something from a shanty town. I wouldn't have even called it a restaurant, it was more like the sort of stall you see in dirty parts of town, frying things up (with few customers), next to an unlit corridor of an eating area. No bleeping way.,

So instead off they all trooped to somewhere they said was good called "Aristocrat". Well this place was like the sort of joint you'd end up in whilst a student after a drinking session at 3am. Well worn chipped tables, dirty ceiling, greasy windows - in short a dump. Oh well, we stayed for extremely mediocre food then left.

I'm not even that fussy, and some of the best meals I've ever had have been in stalls in SE Asia which by day are a car park, but, oh well, too high expectations perhaps