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Thread: Balikbayan Box to the Philippines, Who would you recommend ??

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Balikbayan Box to the Philippines, Who would you recommend ??

    Can anyone recommend a Balikbayan Box from Cheshire UK to Angeles City, Manila?

    And also any do's or don't??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Hi there Decrue, welcome aboard Filipino UK

    You'll understand the Balikbayan Box business is a very popular and easy business to set-up and has an advantage of in-built lengthy periods where excuses for non-delivery are easily accepted by
    the sender. Perfect for those who want to put your money and and your goods in their pockets.

    Here are some of the more popular, reliable and secure Balikbayon Box providers to help your research along the way

    Be sure you compare like with like.
    Double check prices by volumes not by the generic names (Jumbo Box, Mega Box, Large Box etc)

    Check any charges for the delivery of boxes and also for pick-up

    Find out how best to pack these boxes and how to tape up. Be sure all documentation will be provided and be certain to fill-out correctly.
    Secure packing is absolutely key.

    Oh, and just be sure the packed boxes can actually be moved through the doorways/hallways etc in your house

    In principle there is no limit to the values of individual items. However, you'd be well advised to seek advice from your chosen shipper on this.
    It really comes down to common sense. Maybe there are some items that would be better served being sent via a courier service.
    More often than not additional insurance is available (subject to T's & C's) at a premium such as 3% - 5% of declared value.

    Almost anything can be shipped in BB boxes but there are some prohibited items.
    Mostly it's pretty much common sense, others items might need input from your chosen individual shippers.
    To be fair, most of the stuff that folks ship by Balikbayan Box is perfectly OK

    Here's a reasonably typical list of prohibited items:-
    - Illegal Drugs
    - Money
    - Money Order/Postal Order
    - Credit Card/SIM Card/Prepaid Cards
    - Firearms and its parts/explosives/Toy Guns
    - Firecrackers
    - Jewelry/Ivory
    - Products made of animal skin
    - Antiques
    - Pornographic materials (CDs/DVDs/VCDs/Magazines/Pictures)
    - Fake/counterfeit goods (fake Gucci, Louis Vuitton etc)
    - Plants/plant products / seeds etc
    - Drugs/medicines etc
    - Pirated CDs/ACDs
    - Meat products
    - Gases / Flammable liquid / Flammable solids / Toxic/Poisonous materials
    - Corrosives
    - Poisonous materials
    - Radioactive materials

    Whichever organisation you finally choose do be sure to use a known reliable reputable company.
    If the area where you live has very limited choice do some research and seek feedback.

    Search this forum. There a wealth of good info on Balikbayan boxes.

    Happy packing

    BTW, it would be nice if you could take some time to post an introduction and share something about yourself.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    My wife has used LBC many times since she has been here and never had any issues at all. She sends her box to Matnog in Sorsogon Province. You call them and they arrange a pick-up time from your house.

    Presently she is busy filling two more boxes full of corned beef and assorted car booty ready for xmas!

  4. #4
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    Since June we've gradually packed and shipped out 13 Balikbayan Boxes.
    It's been a mammoth task I have to admit
    Just now tracked the 13th Box and have confimation that it's arrived into Philippines and been safely delivered

    5 of those shipments were 'custom built' plywood boxes all shipped via LBC
    Thanks a lot to our collections rep and for some pretty hefty discounts.

    Still packing even now

  5. #5
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    On a second reading of the packing lists I've some serious doubts if we really should have shipped some of that stuff on a cost benefit basis.

    Sentimental value is often hyperinflated IMHO

  6. #6
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    Yesterday I had to go to Aldi for my wife as their tinned pork and ham (spam) was half price at only 69 pence. She made me buy every tin they had in the shop for the box she is sending.

    So 65 tins later . Reminds me she has not paid me for them yet.
    When I got home she asked if there was another Aldi nearby and I quickly said no.
    As life is to live so love is to give

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