Hello guys, I really need your advice regarding this concern.

So my husband has a 5 year old dughter who is not under his custody and currently living at her mum. He supports her financially so I believe we have to declare her in this application and put information about her thing is, her mum is quite difficult, I know you know what I mean. I know that it is possible that we can get her birthcertificate online even without her mum's consent but I am really afraid about the passport details. The daughter is a british citizen and she's not subject to immigration control.

Do you think it's okay if we gonna leave those section blank? I meant, the passport information and previous holiday?

Section 4 - Dependent children
In this section provide details of any children with whom you or your partner have a parental relationship in the UK. You must include details of any children who are applying with you (see the payment guidance for details on who may apply with you). Please note this application will be invalid if you do not.
If this is the first time you are applying for leave in this category dependent children aged 18 or over cannot apply with you on this form.
However, children who were initially granted leave in this category when they were under 18 but who are now aged 18 or over, may continue to be included as a dependent child in this section (see payment guidance).
As well as children who are applying as your dependants you should also include details of all dependent children including those who are British citizens or settled in the UK.
You must provide all the necessary evidence listed in Section 12. If you have more than 2 children, please give their details on a photocopy of this page and enclose it with this form.
4.1 Do you and your sponsor have any children together?
4.2 Do you have any children whose parent is not your sponsor?
4.3 Does your sponsor have any children living in the UK whose parent is not you?
If you have answered no to questions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 please proceed to section 5.
4.4 If you have answered yes to questions 4.1, 4.2 and/or 4.3 provide details of these children in the table below. Please provide details of those children who are applying with you first.Child 2
a) Name
b) Is this child applying with you?
Child 1

c) Date of birth
d) Place of birth
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Child 1
Child 2
e) Gender
f) Nationality (including if they have a dual passport
g) Passport or travel document number
h) Place of issue of passport or travel document
i) Issuing authority
j) Date of issue
k) Date of expiry
l) List all languages that the child is familiar with
m) If your child was not born here when did your child enter the UK?
n) How long has this child resided in the UK?
o) Does this child live with you at the address provided in 1.20
p) Has your child ever lived in another country? If yes please provide details of when and where they lived
q) Has your child visited other countries e.g. on holiday? Please list all countries your child has visited since they entered the UK
r) Who is financially responsible for this child?
s) If your sponsor is not the other parent of this child, provide details of the other parent. Include Name, where they live, their nationality and their level of contact or parental responsibility.