Expats Association
Expats Association ~ Helping Australians abroad who find themselves in difficulty
Since our original post covering Mr Hartigan’s plight, Expats Association has been assisting the family in Australia and coordinating with Mr Hartigan’s daughter Tracey Sinclair and his wife Gina Depasucat with the assistance of Mayor Gwen Ecleo, Mayor Lacson of Bacolod City and Vice Mayor Rex Depasucat.
Mr Hartigans’ condition worsened and was admitted to hospital where he suffered a heart attack, his condition is critical but stabilizing.
In the meantime Mr Hartigan’s wife Gina is by her husbands side and is completing the forms for processing the Australian Citizenship papers of the children ready for Mr Hartigan to sign when he is well enough.
In a heartwarming turn of events an Australian based in Newcastle, Mr Peter Chard has agreed to help the Hartigans with the cost of the plane tickets to Australia, Expats Association has put him in touch with the Family in Australia to help coordinate efforts.
In order to help expedite the Hartigan families return to Australia, Vice Mayor Rex Depasucat has agreed to lobby the Philippine Department of Foreign with the aid of the Philippine League of Mayors to have emergency Philippine passports issued to the three youngest children, this will enable the Australian Embassy to issue emergency visa’s for the three youngest children and issue emergency travel documents for Mr Hartigan and the eldest son, who is already an Australian Citizen.
Finally all credit goes to Ms Rose Eden who originally brought this issue to light and started the fund raising campaign. I am informed Rose’s fundraising efforts will be used to cover the medical expenses of Mr Hartigan and she is also working closely now with Tracey Sinclair, Gina Depasucat and Peter Chard in coordinating efforts for the speedy return of Mr Hartigan and his family to Australia.