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Thread: Andy Murray

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    It's high time this shyster left Surrey and headed back north of the border - he needs to get his filthy hotel in order :-
    Shyster? How do you work that one out ??

    So because he agreed with the 'YES' vote..... you think he should go back to Scotland !! The worst you could say is that it was a misguided choice ( I am a 'NO') but a choice that he is free to have.

    "Filthy hotel"... come on .... get real.... it was a simple connection to a wash hand basin !! FFS !!

    Can't believe the dislike here. Anti English re the football was teased out of him and misquoted.

    I'm Scottish, lived in England most of my life, but I always want England to lose at football ... not because I am anti-England - or English - but simply because it gives me an easier life ! Cos if England wins, the comments that come my way here in England are both annoying and irritating. You may say it's no big deal and should go with it as it's only banter... try listening to it for over 40 years.

    I may add that I have travelled over the world supporting England in other sports and have even coached England national players in my sport. It's just football fans that are irritating.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gm47 View Post
    Shyster? How do you work that one out ??

    So because he agreed with the 'YES' vote..... you think he should go back to Scotland !! The worst you could say is that it was a misguided choice ( I am a 'NO') but a choice that he is free to have.

    "Filthy hotel"... come on .... get real.... it was a simple connection to a wash hand basin !! FFS !!

    Can't believe the dislike here. Anti English re the football was teased out of him and misquoted,

    I'm Scottish, lived in England most of my life but I always want England to lose at football ... not because I am anti-England - or English - but simply because it gives me an easier life ! Cos if England wins, the comments that come my way here in England are both annoying and irritating. You may say it's no big deal and should go with it as it's only banter ... try listening to it for over 40 years.

    I may add that I have travelled over the world supporting England in other sports and have even coached England national players in my sport. It's just football fans that are irritating.
    He's got a petulant, snarling super brat attitude totally at odds with the British sense of fair play and sportsmanship. He hates the English yet he's happy to soak up English schoolgirl Wimbledon adulation. All this whilst living in the Surrey stockbroker belt. He's dropping down the tennis rankings so its high time for him to break for the border and join Sean Connery in the Bahamas

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gm47 View Post
    Shyster? How do you work that one out ??

    So because he agreed with the 'YES' vote..... you think he should go back to Scotland !! The worst you could say is that it was a misguided choice ( I am a 'NO') but a choice that he is free to have.

    "Filthy hotel"... come on .... get real.... it was a simple connection to a wash hand basin !! FFS !!

    Can't believe the dislike here. Anti English re the football was teased out of him and misquoted,

    I'm Scottish, lived in England most of my life but I always want England to lose at football.... not because I am anti England or English but simply because it gives me an easier life ! 'Cos if England wins the comments that come my way here in England are annoying and irritating. You may say it's no big deal and should go with it as it's only banter... try listening to it for over 40 years.

    I may add that I have travelled over the world supporting England in other sports and have even coached England national players in my sport. It's just football fans that are irritating.
    Same thing happens to the English living in Scotland. It works both ways.

    When I lived there, every other person new I met came out with something like "So you're one of them are you?", which got irritating, and that was even before the topic of football came up.

    As Les said, Murray comes across as an unlikeable character anyway. If he had the personality of wee Gordon Strachan for example, I'm sure people would take to him a lot more.

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