Well, you know that I am still married but my wife left me? That was back in February, and meeting my filipino gf Mae has been the only good thing that has happened since.

My wife has recently been going through a tough time. I think she suffers very badly from depression. She took a couple of weeks off. and I even bought her a ticket to visit her family in Thailand.

She got back yesterday, and all was fine. I helped her sort out an apointment with our doctor, get another absence note from work, sort out some minor problems with her car. Then, at lunchtime, she changed completely. Started leaving nasty messages and sending texts. Said she would make the divorce expensive and she would make sure Mae could never come to the UK. All a load of bluff because she has no power to do any of those things.

However, she can delay the sale of my apartment, which is crippling me financially, because she is co-owner. That will hurt.

But worse, she rang my parents and told them about Mae. I had not told them because after marrying two Thai women I though it was too soon to worry them. Needless to say my Mum over reacted and rang me in tears. They seem determined to stop me too!

Nothing will dent my love for Mae, and people trying to stop me will simply make me more determined.

But the truth is I feel very alone now, and the way forward looks like a lot of hard work.

So, can things get much worse? (And I haven't even mentioned my first wife's financial problems or my son's difficult behaviour . . ).

My style is to be open about these things, so thanks for reading this far!
