Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
Blimey Pete that does sound eerily similar! I'm glad you got through it. I apreciate the friendly words and support.

Regarding the apartment, the story is not too bad. We have very little equity, and that will go to pay off debts, so in divorce law terms the only other asset I have is my pensions which she may get some of. The apartment is shared ownership, (i.e. we own half, housing association owns half) and the only reason we got it was because my wife is a care worker which got us on the housing list!

I guess its just a question of taking one thing at a time: sell apartment; move; get divorce; deal with other exwife; marry Mae; live happily ever after. . . . .

Good luck mate.

I had, and still am having my unfair share of aggro from my ex.
And although she claims that she will never use the kids for emotional blackmail, that is one of the things she is best at....

My italian passport expired just a few days before Jet arrived in september.
As I have children below the age of 18, my ex wife, by italian law, has to countersign my application for a new passport.
Needless to say that se adamantly objects to sign along the dotted line. I tried for weeks to convince her, even tried some bribery, but no success.
Fortunately for me, she instructed her solicitors to write to me on the subject, stating categorically that a signature will not be forthcoming in a month of Sundays....
That was all I needed. I went yesterday to Eyetie consulate in Manchester for a bit of natter and leave my various documents and the old passport.
Unbeknown to her, the Consul has the discretion to issue my new passport on the strenght of her unreasonable behaviour, well proven by the solicitors letter included.
My passport is double important to me, as I will need to send it in to IND, together with other documents to apply for Jet's Residence card, before the Family Permit expires.

So, as you can see, even the darkest clouds have a little bit of a silver lining.....

Keep smiling.