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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Attract Younger Women

    If you are interested in attracting women who are in their twenties (or early thirties depending on your age), these simple guidelines will help you learn how to attract younger women...

    The first step to knowing how to attract younger women is knowing how they think and what qualities that they're looking for in a man. The most important thing is that they don't need as much certainty as older women do. In fact, they would prefer to have a little bit of uncertainty and mystery. If you lay all the cards out on the table up front, they'll get bored really fast. So keep a little mystery about yourself and especially about your interest in her. This will get her curious, which will make her think about you when you're not around and that curiosity will solidify into attraction. Also, you need to know that you have a maturity and strength of character that all women really want...they're attracted to it. The problem is the younger ones also want a man who is a little bit edgy and fun...a bit of boyishness left in him. The advantage you have as an older man is that you can develop (or revive) your youthful personality traits and offer younger women the best of both worlds.

    The best way to do this is to start doing some things that help you to get in touch with your youthfulness. Do adventurous and fun things that you can do with younger women without them feeling that they're with an old man.

    The most important part of knowing how to attract younger women is being able to communicate that you have a high social value. In other words, that you are pre-selected by others...especially women. For example, if you're alone when you go places, that demonstrates a lack of social value. But if you go places with other people, especially if you have women with you (preferably younger and attractive women), that demonstrates that you're a man of high social value. Try some of the dating tips and ideas for first dates at

    You see, women are very competitive and when they see that another women might have, or be about to get a hold of, something that they don't have, it makes them want it even more. Being seen with other women also demonstrates that other women think you're attractive which must mean that you have something of value to offer them.

    It goes without saying that in order to attract a younger woman the first step to get out there and start meeting some of them. Find a few friends (remember, women friends are best) to go out with, remember to build a little mystery and to find some way to get in touch with your youthful and adventurous side. You can always start this process online as well. There are online dating sites (like dedicated to older, successful, and mature men looking for a young, fun, attractive mate; and remember, if you're an older and more emotionally mature man, these things will put you at more of an advantage when it comes to knowing how to attract younger women. | Attract Younger Women

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm as daft as a brush when I'm out

  3. #3
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    'dedicated to older, successful, and mature men'

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    'dedicated to older, successful, and mature men'

    In other words, you and I Graham!

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That wasn't supposed to appear on here! Never mind
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    A magnet for scammers and gold diggers by the looks of it.

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