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Thread: Requirements for a Fiancee Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Requirements for a Fiancee Visa

    Hi guys, can someone advise me? I have been told - admittedly, by word of mouth only - that besides needing an income of £18600 per annum, I need a reasonable amount of money in the Bank. Is there any truth in this or not?

    Obviously if I were a millionaire it would help, but to be frank, I only have a middle 4-figure sum.

    I am aware of most of the other visa requirements, Bank Statements, wage slips, etc etc.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Abigail's Avatar
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    No it is not true as long as you can show a steady income totalling the required amount. My husband got his visa based on my bank account which had approximately nothing in it but my monthly earnings are more than required. Good luck

  3. #3
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abigail View Post
    No it is not true as long as you can show a steady income totalling the required amount. My husband got his visa based on my bank account which had approximately nothing in it but my monthly earnings are more than required. Good luck
    So you are British and your husband is filipino? So I am pretty sure I meet the financial requirements on earnings, but not big savings. Thanks Abigail.

  4. #4
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Terpe is the expert here.

    But as I understand it and I am going through the spouse visa route.

    The required income is £18,600 per year. More if you are sponsoring a child also.

    You don't need savings if you have the minimum requirement in earnings.

    Take a look at the sticky posts in the visa section for more info.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Abigail's Avatar
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    Yes Harry I am British and hubby is Filipino. As I say, I don't think you have to worry - as long as you earn the required amount and can show it with pay slips etc.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Hi guys, can someone advise me? I have been told - admittedly, by word of mouth only - that besides needing an income of £18600 per annum, I need a reasonable amount of money in the Bank. Is there any truth in this or not?

    Obviously if I were a millionaire it would help, but to be frank, I only have a middle 4-figure sum.

    I am aware of most of the other visa requirements, Bank Statements, wage slips, etc etc.
    I just got my fiancee visa last 6th of June 2014 and based on my experience, nope it is not true. As long as you (the sponsor) can meet the minimum requirement £18,600 before tax per year (if you are sponsoring the applicant without any dependent) then you will be good. My husband didn't have big amount of saving on his bank when we applied but because he met the financial requirement I got my visa.

    and about the other requirements, It would be the best to listen from the expert here.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    ..... I have been told - admittedly, by word of mouth only - that besides needing an income of £18600 per annum, I need a reasonable amount of money in the Bank. Is there any truth in this or not?
    Harry, as others have said there's no truth in that at all.

    As an aside, for savings to be used in support of Fiancée/Spouse/Partner the UKVI will only consider amounts above £16k

    If you haven't already done so I'd suggest reviewing the application form and the Financial Requirement.
    Anything you're not 100% sure on just ask here. Plenty of members been there and done it.

  8. #8
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    Here's the official link for the application forms and the guidance:-

    Application for UK visa for family settlement: form VAF4A

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