So, the Wallabies and the All Blacks are supposed to be the best rugby teams in the world eh?
The recent world cup prompted me to ask a few questions - and to give a few answers as well.
Q. What's the difference between the Wallabies, the All Blacks and a tea bag?
A. A tea bag stays in the cup longer.
Q. Why don't the Wallabies back-line need any pre-tour injections?
a. Because they never catch anything.
Q. What do the Wallabies, the All Blacks and a drug addict have in common?
A. They all wonder where their next score will come from.
Q. What do you have when the All Blacks are buried up to their necks in sand?
A. Not enough sand.
Q. What do you call an Aussie at the World Cup Final?
A. Ref.
Finally, did you hear about the New Zealand politician who was found dead wearing an All Blacks jersey?
The police had to dress him in women's underwear to save his family from embarrassment.