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Thread: Help!!!help!!!help!!!

  1. #1
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    i am on the process of working on my visa and its really giving me lots of questions in my heead. i do not know how to start although there are so many issues here that would help but there are some areas on my preparation that really bothers me.

    first is my marriage liscence that was issued in sn fernando pamp and the marriage contract that was released here in angeles city is there a pitfall in there?

    2nd, my husband has overdrawn money on his bank and i think its about 2000pounds at the most but lesser i think now bec they deduct the payments every salary and only savings he has his shares in the company which will be released by march next year.his income less all the deductions and all that is about 800 pounds

    3rd, he is staying in his parents place and he could not yet find time to look for us to stay bec of his schedules and alll that also his parents wants us to stay with them for awhile while we are searching for a place near his work.

    i am loosing hope when i think of it bec all this seems to be the major requirements when obtaining visa.DO I HAVE A CHANCE to get one? WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE IN OUR VISA APPLICATION?????????


  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    2nd, my husband has overdrawn money on his bank and i think its about 2000pounds at the most but lesser i think now bec they deduct the payments every salary and only savings he has his shares in the company which will be released by march next year.his income less all the deductions and all that is about 800 pounds
    This WILL be a problem, he needs to have a bank account in the black. How can he prove he can support you when he is in debt? He can't. So you fail on that. You only need to fail one for a refusal. You can not show anything negative on the accounts provided.

    If he loves you, tell him to spend the next few months sorting it out, and showing he has savings of AT LEAST £2000 in it.

    No.3 is not a problem.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    thank you so much!!!!!!!!!yes he is on the process of sorting ot out i think this debts is being deducted on his pay slips and am glad the third one is not a problem at least i only got one which i hope will be resolved soon.thanks

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh, not so sure about number 3 !!!

    3rd party support was not allowed in a recent case and its in immgration rules, that their should be no 3rd party support for a spouse visa, as you are allowed to work straight away in the uk, while 3rd party support was allowed for fiancee visa, as you couldn't work on a fiancee visa, but all this was at the discretion of the case worker, and i think most of the time they allowed it, until now ??

    anyway read this link

    so i don't know the answer, i've not heard of anyone being refused on here, but not many use 3rd party support on here. but i used 3rd party support in may and that was ok, but this is a recent case and ruling.. so your better off getting your husband to ask the luntics in lunar house (IND to most people )

    oh 17k a year should not be a problem, but needs to show he can support you thou.

    good luck thou

  5. #5
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    just when i letf this site this afternoon my husband called up and i asked him about his finances and he told me he isnt over drawn anymore...LOL I HAVE ANNOUNCE THE WHOLE WORLD my husband is OVER DRAWN...hope he forgives me for that... so the bank statements no longer a problem for us now..then here goes the other...3rd sponsor?huhuhu

  6. #6
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desRICHARDS View Post
    LOL I HAVE ANNOUNCE THE WHOLE WORLD my husband is OVER DRAWN...hope he forgives me for that...

    LOL, you must be talking about the future that he will be overdrawn when u get here in the UK..(haha jowke).
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh, not so sure about number 3 !!!

    3rd party support was not allowed in a recent case and its in immgration rules, that their should be no 3rd party support for a spouse visa, as you are allowed to work straight away in the uk, while 3rd party support was allowed for fiancee visa, as you couldn't work on a fiancee visa, but all this was at the discretion of the case worker, and i think most of the time they allowed it, until now ??

    anyway read this link

    so i don't know the answer, i've not heard of anyone being refused on here, but not many use 3rd party support on here. but i used 3rd party support in may and that was ok, but this is a recent case and ruling.. so your better off getting your husband to ask the luntics in lunar house (IND to most people )

    oh 17k a year should not be a problem, but needs to show he can support you thou.

    good luck thou

    is housing supported by sponsors parents under the category of financial support? (just asking, tao lang po)

    coz my husband requested for a bigger house but the home office (don't know the right term for them) told him that they can't give him a bigger house unless his family (us) is already arrive in UK. so his request is there for almost a year now.

    better call me hubby now another (pahirap) on applications.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Like the others say let your hubby get his head down and pay off the od and save up. It will cause loads of problems if you don't.

    If they deny because of the lack of savings then your going to be hit with another visa fee to pay when you reapply. Then you will need to save more and take longer.

    If your hubby to be and you need to find a house to rent or buy he will need a deposit. Just as you move over which will increase costs. A deposit and the money to help pay for things to help you settle (Clothes, and what ever)

    Its a tough thing to say get the money sorted otherwise it may well cause you problems.

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    No.3 Have the parents supply a letter validating you can stay, and you have a room. That's all ya need
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    i am on the process of working on my visa and its really giving me lots of questions in my heead. i do not know how to start although there are so many issues here that would help but there are some areas on my preparation that really bothers me.

    first is my marriage liscence that was issued in sn fernando pamp and the marriage contract that was released here in angeles city is there a pitfall in there?

    2nd, my husband has overdrawn money on his bank and i think its about 2000pounds at the most but lesser i think now bec they deduct the payments every salary and only savings he has his shares in the company which will be released by march next year.his income less all the deductions and all that is about 800 pounds

    3rd, he is staying in his parents place and he could not yet find time to look for us to stay bec of his schedules and alll that also his parents wants us to stay with them for awhile while we are searching for a place near his work.

    i am loosing hope when i think of it bec all this seems to be the major requirements when obtaining visa.DO I HAVE A CHANCE to get one? WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE IN OUR VISA APPLICATION?????????
    Keiths advice to you is spot on (win2win) however, your prospective husbands salary appears to be way below the national average, you say his salary after deductions is about £800.00 that is not sufficient really to provide for you and him during your first 2 years in the UK, I am not saying you cannot survive on it, but knowing what things cost here, I cannot see what sort of life you will have on that amount of money.

    Does your future husband have any children by other women ? is he supporting any others ? does he pay child support to CSA ? Does he have a car loan, or other payments, credit cards, etc, things are getting tight in the UK for many, and they are resorting to credit cards to live.

    £800.00 does not go very far, and then you mention that he is £2000.00 in the red, this indicates to me that he is living beyond his means, and cannot manage his finances, Keith has made the point very clear, if a bank statement shows an overdrawn figure, a Spouse visa will definately be refused, the evidence is so obvious, that he cannot support you without recourse to public funds.

    The 2nd issue is one of suitable accomodation for you, living with his Mum is ok i guess for a while, but not a long term solution, personally I do not beleive living with parents is the way forward, and if I had my way, entry clearance would not be given to those who bring their girl over only to stay with parents.

    Shoot me again if you wish you lot out there, I think there is too much reliance on parents, and to me, if your old enough to have a Filipina, your old enough to have your own place to bring her when she comes to UK, that is not to say that I am slighting those who need to be accomodated with parents in short term.

    Housing is very expensive in UK right now, unless your lucky enough to be in a housing association house, or council house, private accomodation is expensive, and depending on where you live, in the South, a 1 bedroom house can cost between £600.00 and £700.00 a 2 bedroomed appartment in the South East can be from £800.00 to £950.00.

    In London its worse, from £900.00 to £1300.00, that is why I am suspicious of someone who earns net of tax and deductions only £800.00 per month, you need 2 or 3 incomes of that nature to survive in UK.

    Once you move into own accomodation council tax is an issue, often most county councils in property band B or C is about £120 to £130.00 per month, on top of that, their is utilties such as Gas, Electric, Water, Sewerage, Sky, Phone, Food.

    Then when the Filipina arrives in UK, she will need new clothes, especially during the immediate winter months, rice cooker, electric blanket, and a whole variety of things such as warm boots, a nice warm coat, the list is endless.

    Thats why i am always sceptical about these guys who think they can bring girls to our country on the just doesnt work !

    To bring a foreign domiciled person to live in UK can be an expensive undertaking, I advise those with limited funds to think twice, before they embark on this project.

    Finally you said " I have announced to the whole world that he is overdrawn I hope he is not mad"

    Personally if you had done that to me, I would have been furious, a public forum is not the place to discuss information as sensitive as being in debt on a public forum, you should really have been cautious about revealing your partners finances in public, hopefully he does not come on this forum and see that he is the object of discussion

  11. #11
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    thanks pete but am well sure that my husband will understand of what i have done and i really have introduce this site to him and see for himself he knows it wasnt my intention to really announce what he is into, " its ASKING for help " that i intended to have not publicly humiliate him.yes we had misunderstanding about his bank that i thought he WAS overdrawn but he isnt.(i just thought) besides the reason i love my husband bec he has very WIDE UNDERSTANDING and very sensitive of REASONS.

    i believe in patience and faith anyway..i know ill get visa really soon and i think i have the urge now to prove that whatever problems me and my husband we have at the moment.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Living with parents often causes problems, in some cases the family celebrate as they think they are getting a slave, and yes I know that has happened a few times.... (If that is the case, make sure they catch you in the garden at night, dancing around there photos naked and with chicken feet scattered around while you chant )

    Pete can't live on £800 a month, he lives in London , in the likes of Manchester that's a Kings ransom .....all depends on what are he'll get accomodation in.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Like the others say let your hubby get his head down and pay off the od and save up. It will cause loads of problems if you don't.

    If they deny because of the lack of savings then your going to be hit with another visa fee to pay when you reapply. Then you will need to save more and take longer.

    If your hubby to be and you need to find a house to rent or buy he will need a deposit. Just as you move over which will increase costs. A deposit and the money to help pay for things to help you settle (Clothes, and what ever)

    Its a tough thing to say get the money sorted otherwise it may well cause you problems.

    thansk SOMEBODY now thats what i call UPLIFTING( i should have read your reply first) thanks so much me and my husband will sort it out.. as soon as he called up yesterday andi told him that we need a place to stay his on the look out for a place now for us

  14. #14
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Living with parents often causes problems, in some cases the family celebrate as they think they are getting a slave, and yes I know that has happened a few times.... (If that is the case, make sure they catch you in the garden at night, dancing around there photos naked and with chicken feet scattered around while you chant )

    Pete can't live on £800 a month, he lives in London , in the likes of Manchester that's a Kings ransom .....all depends on what are he'll get accomodation in.
    oh now i know why ......

  15. #15
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No.3 Have the parents supply a letter validating you can stay, and you have a room. That's all ya need
    thank you so much now i feel a lot better

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desRICHARDS View Post
    thank you so much now i feel a lot better
    ....and don't foget to bring an'll have plenty to do
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggers0608 View Post
    is housing supported by sponsors parents under the category of financial support? (just asking, tao lang po)

    hahahaa. i wish some people would know WE ARE TAO LANG when we do mistake or asking.....OBVIOUSLY SOME ARE NOT...

  18. #18
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....and don't foget to bring an'll have plenty to do
    shouldi start DIVORCE

  19. #19
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    LOL, you must be talking about the future that he will be overdrawn when u get here in the UK..(haha jowke).
    i think i just DID!!!!!!!!!!!i wasnt AWARE...HOHHOHOH

  20. #20
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Well don't worry about the OD its better to deal with it than hide it away. Although never a good idea to bring it up in normal conversation in the Uk as many Brits will talk about all things but not money for various reasons.

    I have seen people on this website ask for help and forget to mention they have no house or no savings even in debt and it makes it harder for people to offer them advice.

    With out giving to much away where does your hubby to be live in the UK. Like Mr admin says 17k is not much in London (but people mange to raise families on this amount in london so its far from impossible) but if elsewhere in the Uk its much easier. Just as with Manila and the provinces it appears that its cheaper away from Manila.

    Your Hubby needs to go though his finances and like a business make a balance sheet and then see if he can show on it he has enough spare money to look after the two of you. If a red warning light flashes when he does this put things on hold for a little while and deal wih it. Before my Wife came over i was living like a pauper and saving every penny whille working all the overtime i could. Im glad i did trust me.

    Although there is no way you will come over and start work straight away (I know one lucky forum member did but she was as well as very talented in her field blessed by a lot of good fortune) is there a good chance you could work soon after arriving ie the area you intend to live in have plenty of Jobs avaiable and do you have good English skills both verbal and written?
    If you do intend to work from now on you need to watch BBC world as often as possible and really start work on improving your English Skills like my Wife and im sure other Pinay on here did before coming over.

    If you have between you a decent wedge of savings, aimed to live here within your means once your here it can be done but its not easy.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Well don't worry about the OD its better to deal with it than hide it away. Although never a good idea to bring it up in normal conversation in the Uk as many Brits will talk about all things but not money for various reasons.

    I have seen people on this website ask for help and forget to mention they have no house or no savings even in debt and it makes it harder for people to offer them advice.

    With out giving to much away where does your hubby to be live in the UK. Like Mr admin says 17k is not much in London (but people mange to raise families on this amount in london so its far from impossible) but if elsewhere in the Uk its much easier. Just as with Manila and the provinces it appears that its cheaper away from Manila.

    Your Hubby needs to go though his finances and like a business make a balance sheet and then see if he can show on it he has enough spare money to look after the two of you. If a red warning light flashes when he does this put things on hold for a little while and deal wih it. Before my Wife came over i was living like a pauper and saving every penny whille working all the overtime i could. Im glad i did trust me.

    Although there is no way you will come over and start work straight away (I know one lucky forum member did but she was as well as very talented in her field blessed by a lot of good fortune) is there a good chance you could work soon after arriving ie the area you intend to live in have plenty of Jobs avaiable and do you have good English skills both verbal and written?
    If you do intend to work from now on you need to watch BBC world as often as possible and really start work on improving your English Skills like my Wife and im sure other Pinay on here did before coming over.

    If you have between you a decent wedge of savings, aimed to live here within your means once your here it can be done but its not easy.
    hi somebody my husband does not live in london he lives in cardiff he is welsch, he is currently working in TESCOS as one of the team leaders in there. H ejust sent me today his bank details and seen its not on the red.( i just thought it was...again sensya na tao lang) and aslo his saving shares in work which he will recieve next year in march. FRrom the paper itself IT SAYS share save, DO YOU THINK WE CAN USED THIS AS EVIDENCE?THAT HE HAS SAVINGS THAT HE RECIEVES? do you think we can tell this to embassy that we are expecting this amount of money as a start of our life together? he earns every salary approximately around 700 i think and if he does over time it will reach 800 to 900 DOES THIS WILL BE CONSIDERED LESS?am so sorry am asking too much question but you seem so helpful to have look on to my problem and iuplift me sensing you can help so am hope it will not put you off advising me knowing my husband is welsh,

    AT THE MOMENT am working as a hotel receptionist in my place and am confident i can speak english and am a graduate of industrial psychology.although am really not planning to work there as i really am wanting to be a full time wife and mom..(hope sooner) but i think i am well off with english and hopefully can find job if our financial situation is not good. one more question if i may somebody? where do you think my husband can aske help to make a balance sheet of his finances?and asked advise if his finances doing okay?( seems like it is for me , but when it comes to figures i dont trust myself,lol)

    thank you so much looking forward for your advice.....

  22. #22
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    I doubt people will stop helping you because your Hubby to be is Welsh.

    As much as its nice to plan to be a full time wife and mum at first you may want a job for one reason which the ladies will tell you on here you may get bored life in UK is different.

    Could you get a job at the Tescos your hubby to be works at?

    The shares will be something to put on your application, but your hubby will need to look up more about how much at current market vaule would they be worth, can you sell them, how much do you have to pay to sell them etc.

    A balance sheet is easy to do

    Just put all your hubbys monthly outgoings down and add them together

    so your hubby gets his bills and writes down what each costs a month

    for example

    ELec 30
    Gas 25
    travel 60
    Council tax 100
    TV 10
    Phone 20
    food 150

    Equals 395 pounds

    then take monthly wage say 700

    then 700 minus 395 = 305 pounds spare

    So then you can say that each month if he cut down to the bare minimum he would have 305 pounds which could be used to support you. Whatever you plan to do if you have useful skills as you do, a degree and English language skills say you will be looking for a job to supplement your hubbys wage. Also most likely you will want a job even if it part time to stop you gtting bored or lonely when your hubby is out at work.

    The other reason for the balance sheet is to help ou both look at your outgoings and work out where the money is going. I improved my finances when doing this as i looked fot cheaper elec supplier, a better tariff on my telephone bill, got rid of some direct debit charges, and basically made my finaces better which is always a good thing

    Im sure others will have ideas and suggestiions to help you ensure you both have a sucessful application and once here don't suffer due to lack of income.

    ps dont put your real financial details on here or send via email or pm to anyone else for your sakes
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  23. #23
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    ps dont put your real financial details on here or send via email or pm to anyone else for your sakes
    i would definetely not do that....thank you so muchhhh yes i would likely find a job in UK and my husband job can offer me work as soon as i get there and about his sahres he will recieve the money in march and it actually is SAVINGS he does not need to sell it.i dont think my husband would need to worry about my expenses cause am not much in to spending and am NO MALL person LOL....i think thats what he loves about you so much somebody you have been really helpful and thank you so much for the will be first to know as soon as i process my visa application and if i got it...bec youve been really helpful,,,...thank youuuuuu

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    wow, i am enjoying reading this topic

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    Hhhmmm... I have known one who works in Tesco and he earns "as he tells me" £20,000+ a year including overtime and on top of that are his shares... I do not know how true but it seems helpful and good source of income?

    What yah think?

    So your hubby might have the same financial status as this person I have known if not at present, in the near future... They are both team leaders anyway...The chances are high that can improve your standing...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    Hhhmmm... I have known one who works in Tesco and he earns "as he tells me" £20,000+ a year including overtime and on top of that are his shares... I do not know how true but it seems helpful and good source of income?

    What yah think?

    So your hubby might have the same financial status as this person I have known if not at present, in the near future... They are both team leaders anyway...The chances are high that can improve your standing...
    wow am so happy thank you so much for that!!!!!!just hearing that really gives me positive thinking to really get this visa and apply soon so in march next year if bless we will be lucky to be together....yes team leaders in tescos get shares..they call it saving shares something like that..they get it depends on the year they wanted like my hubby he will get them by 1st of march next year and thats the one he will be using for our housing in uk he just cant wait till march and want to submit the application the soonest thats why he will used co sponsor first with his parents.

    thank you so much jamz please encourage me more as i really need the cheering now..thank you.....

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I doubt people will stop helping you because your Hubby to be is Welsh.
    Not sure about that, no one helps Rob.....he just gets picked on for showing his to the sheep
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
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    maybe robs is..... lol...joke... peace rob????

    been asking lots of english men who comes at the desk why is there a gap between welsh and english men? if there is really such thing as GAP with ENGLISH AND WELSH in UK why is it still called UNITED KINGDOM?

    I love my husband even if he is a SHEEP... that does not make him less human and less man...

  29. #29
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    The English invaded and took over Wales, Scotland & N Ireland. A bit like the Yanks being invaders in the USA, but at least the English don't treat the natives like utter crap.
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #30
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    It does not mean the welsh man is less in anyway than the english man, the problem is, its what the welsh man does with the sheep in private that is different to the english man, you see down in the valleys where the welsh man lives, there are 4 legged creatures called sheep.

    Baaaah Baaaaah, and the welshman has been accused very often of being a naughty boy with the sheep....I wont go into details but imagaination is required here ok ??

    Your partner lives in Cardiff, so he is not far from the valleys, he can go there at weekends to see sheep....he is close to Brecon as well...and there are lots of sheep for him to take his pic there.

    The United Kingdom was formed out of an act of union in 1707, between England and Wales, and Scotland, and Northern Ireland, the 4 provinces became one Kingdom, and collectively form the British Isles, at present with devolution to Scotland, and to a lesser extend Wales, their may be problems with maintaining the union in the future.

    Hence you may hear the term, Disunited Kingdom, however in the next few years, its unlikely to change in its current form.

    I hope that helps....

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