Uploaded on 2nd October.
@ "The Tourist"
Uploaded on 2nd October.
@ "The Tourist"
I very rarely use a jeepney![]()
I'm the Yolo. hahaha.![]()
I'm the tall guy lol.
Way too cramped for my liking. I avoid this kind of transport.
They are slow with smoke belching engines making irregular stops and don't hold many people.
Time for the Philippines to end its love affair with this outdated mode of transport
Jeepneys are iconic to the Philippines and the country would lose part of it's identity without them. They may be cramped and reek of fumes but I don't mind travelling in one.![]()
Easy to avoid if you are somewhere where there are alternatives...
But when you are in the middle of nowhere and you have to take a hollowed out log across the river just to get to a road where the only option for the 60 minute ride into town is a jeepney... then needs must.
Although the worst mode of travel for me are the trikes..... my frame just doesn't fit well in one of those with half the family hanging off every hangable point on one.
Don't get me started on the minibuses that we also rode into the next town a further 60 minutes away.....they hold 15 squashed people.... but they think nothing of cramming in another 15!
Harlene took a picture of me one day... I didn't realise the look on my face until I saw the picture later.
Hahahaa...nice one Slip!![]()
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
Jeepney ?
Luxury !
I don't mind using Jeepney!![]()
I'll let you off then.![]()
Least you're out in the fresh air *cough* when riding a jeepney, unlike the tube.
I'm too tall for Jeepney's and Tricycles - I need a sunroof to stick my head out of. I don't mind tricycles for local trips but IMO Jeepneys are polluting deathtraps. Cue lots of excuses about them being cheap transport for the masses does not mean the owners should treat passengers to a third world experience. How hard can it be to wire up a light that works? Luckily you don't see too many accidents due to low average speeds of the things.
I hire a car. I don't care that it costs me a bit more than the locals pay to hire a car as I pick it up/drop it off at the airport and I know the wheels won't fall off. I'd hate to be responsible for injuries to Rose or any of her family. They're all even starting to get used to wearing seatbelts.
I'm usually Ok with trikes but on my last trip over I took one to visit the remote beaches of Pangasinan. The roof was lower than usual and together with the unpaved rocky road, I was forever banging my head. The round trip took 2.5 hours too.
Would do it again though, as the beaches were worth the discomfort.
Don't mind the jeepney, you meet all sorts of different people, but I bang my head often, and without dislocating my neck, I cant bend my head low enough to see where I am to get off, and if I do my head would be in somebody's lap
I've just seen the vid, is that jeepney for real? I have never seen one so clean, tidy and smart
There are airconditioned jeepneys going around Makati and other business district around Metro Manila for quite a few years now, and even some travelling to provinces. I think the fare would cost twice than the regular price.
I found some photos of customised jeepneys as well!I think these are for private use..hahaha
Source for the photos below: http://snglguy.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/pinoy-limo/
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
I used to trip into a jeep pissed as a newt from MH del Pilar to Baclaran at 2am..It was packed and I was packed upright like a sardine.
The driver used to wake me up lying vertical in Baclaran where I departed for another to Sucat Paranaque..
Get on that and again upright because the thing is packed.. I tell the driver to wake me up at Sucat but 9 times out of ten they kicked me out on the south super highway,10 miles from home.
Bugger!! No more jeepneys going back.
I used to get home well before lunch at least.
I like mine with a bit more power and ground clearance for those muddy roads in the province.
For me, Jeepneys tell me everything about the way of life in the Philippines. Noisy, disorganised, but loveable, and everyone should experience them at least once.
I used them in Cebu for one day, I didn't know where to catch them, or where to get off, and they reminded me of the "Magical Mystery Tour".
But if you want to experience Philippines' lifestyle, take a jeepney ride. Tricycles go to Palawan No Taxis there. So Les, if you want your own Taxi Company, Palawan's the place.
You have a choice in Puerto, Van travel, Tricycle or Jeepney, and to think we moan about Public transport here in the UK!![]()
Swollen rivers are no problem for the jeepney.
Haha...what a great thread this is. Enjoyed reading it again, and some amazing pictures/vids.![]()
Since I actually live here now I've changed my opinion about jeepneys. After 6 months I still love them.
I can get on and off wherever I want and whenever I want.
The cost is just so small when compared with taking a taxi or running your own car.
You meet such interesting people riding the jeep.
It's hard to imagine how life would be without them.
They're a much better transportation system than the UK buses for those living in rural areas. Or even for those in cities too I guess.
I couldn't agree more Peter.
Yes, as vehicles they could be made more 'environmentally-friendly', but as a SERVICE...fantastic.![]()
Peter, just noticed this newly uploaded to YouTube - a video of Davao from the back of a jeepney.
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