A nice in the park talking lots of pictures of Ems and deer and a London bus too, all at Wollaton park Nottingham, weather was good too,
When we got back home i had a laugh at Ems expense,
I am always complaining about Ems leaving knives in the washing bowl and i thought i will have a laugh, i went into the fridge and got the tomato sauce out and put it on my wrist and on my hand, then a swore and cursed and Ems sprang up and shouted whats wrong , i turn round and she flipped, shouting , screaming and making all these noises and doing this great dance arms in the air and all this time her face is going whiter and whiter,
I could not hold the look of pain any longer and i burst out laughing and then i licked my arm and hand, Well you can imagine what was said then and those arms she was sticking in the hair soon came down on me,
It was funny and i hope she has learned the lesson, DONT PUT KNIVES IN THE WASHING BOWL