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Thread: Starting to fill in a CV

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Starting to fill in a CV

    Wow how things have changed, here am i trying to fill in a CV for myself, and it's hard.

    Since leaving school all those years ago and in them there days you did just walk into any job, and all you said is "my name is Steve, have you any jobs?" And you were hired.

    I have only had two jobs in my life both of which I have enjoyed. The first was a farmer. I used to work there in school holidays so they did know me and it was only natural to go there straight from school. I was so lean and very, very fit and had a great tan too. 1976 that was, then once I had a family, the wage was not enough to live on,

    So that's when I moved to where I am now. That was around 1980, and again, just walked in, told a few little lies and got the job. Worked my way up and am now assistant manager,

    So here I am, trying to fill in a CV and it's hard. I am the old school, face to face sort of guy. I can sell myself face to face better then writing it down on paper. It seems to be hard saying you can give someone 100% of yourself, plus I know my age is against me too. With the CVs we get ourselves, you read them and you think NO, NO, NO HE MIGHT BE OK , NO, NO, NO, AND IT GOES ON.

    I think the way for me is to get on to the agency route if I cannot get satisfaction from my job. They say there is work out there and yes, there is, but there is also crap money and very, very bad employers.

    Hay ho, onwards and upwards they say!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I don't even know what a CV is!

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Michael you make me laugh, either you are so innocent or you are taking the

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    When I was working there was no such thing as a CV, we just used to ring and ask if any drivers were required. I know what a CV is, but I have never done one. They were started in the latter years of my working life and I never needed a job during the time a CV was required, so I don't know what a CV is because I've never had to fill one in!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Wow how things have changed, here am i trying to fill in a CV for myself, and it's hard.

    Since leaving school all those years ago and in them there days you did just walk into any job, and all you said is, "My name is Steve, have you any jobs?" And you were hired.

    I have only had two jobs in my life both of which I have enjoyed. The first was a farmer. I used to work there in school holidays, so they did know me and it was only natural to go there straight from school. I was so lean and very, very fit and had a great tan too. 1976 that was, then once I had a family the wage was not enough to live on.

    So that's when I moved to where I am now. That was around 1980, and again, I just walked in, told a few little lies and got the job. Worked my way up and am now assistant manager,

    So here I am, trying to fill in a CV and its hard. I am the old school, face to face sort of guy. I can sell myself face to face better then writing it down on paper. It seems to be hard saying you can give someone 100% of yourself, plus I know my age is against me too. With the CVs we get ourselves, you read them and you think NO, NO, NO HE MIGHT BE OK , NO, NO, NO. AND IT GOES ON.

    I think the way for me is to get on to the agency route if I cannot get satisfaction from my job. They say there is work out there and yes, there is, but there is also crap money and very, very bad employers.

    Hay ho, onwards and upwards they say!
    I think you're better to stay where you are Steve, just turn a deaf ear to any comments that you don't like and be a 'yes man' until you're ready to move to smiley Philippines.

    Good luck whatever your decision!

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I think you're better to stay where you are Steve, just turn a deaf ear to any comments that you don't like and be a 'yes man' until you're ready to move to smiley Philippines.

    Good luck whatever your decision!
    Sounds like you're going thru bad times at work, but it will not last. Stick it out and see what happens. From what I remember, you had something like 30 payslips to go before you planned to quit anyway

  7. #7
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Don't let the Eejits mess up your retirement plans Steve.. That would be madness!!
    Suck it up and keep on truckin!!
    You can tell them all to go and get ....ed just before you leave.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My job history is:

    Left school aged 15 in 1990.

    Started work 6 months' later aged 16, as my Mum refused to keep me!

    Same job for 9 years....

    Left job for 18 months to try something else - Company got taken over and my job changed, so left to go back to first job.....

    Lasted 5 more years before getting made redundant. Finished job on the Friday, new job on the Monday.

    Redundancy money paid off my credit card bill.

    Been in new job for coming up 10 years........ But things have changed in the last 3 months for the worse.... So as soon as Harlene is here I am seriously thinking of changing jobs again, if things haven't improved in the next few months - as are most of the staff I work with....

    As for a CV... I do have an outdated one on the Reed job agency website.... A couple of years back I used to get quite a few places phoning me to see if I was still after a new job, but as soon as I tell them what I earn now, they are nowhere near with what they are offering..... So I changed my profile to say what money I am after and I haven't had a call since

    Problem is, I am on not that great money, but for what I do it is quite competitive compared to similar jobs.

  9. #9
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    Stay where you are Steve.

    Sad to say, your age is VERY much against you now,, regardless of any laws.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Wow how things have changed, here am i trying to fill in a CV for myself, and it's hard.

    Since leaving school all those years ago and in them there days you did just walk into any job, and all you said is "my name is Steve, have you any jobs?" And you were hired.

    I have only had two jobs in my life both of which I have enjoyed. The first was a farmer. I used to work there in school holidays so they did know me and it was only natural to go there straight from school. I was so lean and very, very fit and had a great tan too. 1976 that was, then once I had a family, the wage was not enough to live on,

    So that's when I moved to where I am now. That was around 1980, and again, just walked in, told a few little lies and got the job. Worked my way up and am now assistant manager,

    So here I am, trying to fill in a CV and it's hard. I am the old school, face to face sort of guy. I can sell myself face to face better then writing it down on paper. It seems to be hard saying you can give someone 100% of yourself, plus I know my age is against me too. With the CVs we get ourselves, you read them and you think NO, NO, NO HE MIGHT BE OK , NO, NO, NO, AND IT GOES ON.

    I think the way for me is to get on to the agency route if I cannot get satisfaction from my job. They say there is work out there and yes, there is, but there is also crap money and very, very bad employers.

    Hay ho, onwards and upwards they say!
    Nothing wrong with dipping your toe in the water Steve.
    Everyone should explore opportunities

    At least you'll get some insight into what it's really like on the 'outside' of your current job........

    Just don't let your present emotions jump you out of a frying into a fire.

    Workplace changes are the common denominator these days. Stay cool, adaptable and keep well

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thanks boys, you are right I know, but I am a person who tells it how it is, so I will try to keep my head down and like you say only so many more pay days until I can say stuff ya.

    I found out the latest thing the other day at work from another depot we have, the people who own our company are going to stop the contributions to our pension.

    A few of us were made up to assistant managers and foreman too. With this, we were given so much in pension, but without a word from the owners it's going to stop and we are all joining this 'Works Pension Scheme' and all they are going to put in is what we put in.

    Little ol' me had to ask the owner and he's not sure but take it as that's correct what you have heard. Laughable it is, it's a good job I only count money that is in my hand and I can see.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Sounds like you're going thru bad times at work, but it will not last. Stick it out and see what happens. From what I remember, you had something like 30 payslips to go before you planned to quit anyway
    A bad few weeks its been Joe, and yes you are right just a few more pay months is all I require.

  13. #13
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Don't let the Eejits mess up your retirement plans Steve.. That would be madness!!
    Suck it up and keep on truckin!!
    You can tell them all to go and get ....ed just before you leave.
    Thanks Fred, they think by sending me out on runs I don't know gets me upset. Quite the opposite really, I do enjoy the change. The problem lies when you finish your work as driving and they expect you to help out in the office too. Cannot be in two places at once, I say, either in or out your choice. That goes down well, but at least it's there choice and I had nothing to do with it.

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Stay where you are Steve.

    Sad to say, your age is VERY much against you now,, regardless of any laws.
    You are so right there Graham, I am sure I will have the last laugh when the time comes to say, see ya

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    My job history is:

    Left school aged 15 in 1990.

    Started work 6 months' later aged 16, as my Mum refused to keep me!

    Same job for 9 years....

    Left job for 18 months to try something else - Company got taken over and my job changed, so left to go back to first job.....

    Lasted 5 more years before getting made redundant. Finished job on the Friday, new job on the Monday.

    Redundancy money paid off my credit card bill.

    Been in new job for coming up 10 years........ But things have changed in the last 3 months for the worse.... So as soon as Harlene is here I am seriously thinking of changing jobs again, if things haven't improved in the next few months - as are most of the staff I work with....

    As for a CV... I do have an outdated one on the Reed job agency website.... A couple of years back I used to get quite a few places phoning me to see if I was still after a new job, but as soon as I tell them what I earn now, they are nowhere near with what they are offering..... So I changed my profile to say what money I am after and I haven't had a call since

    Problem is, I am on not that great money, but for what I do it is quite competitive compared to similar jobs.
    Lots of work, but for very little money, it seems are out there

  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Nothing wrong with dipping your toe in the water Steve.
    Everyone should explore opportunities

    At least you'll get some insight into what it's really like on the 'outside' of your current job........

    Just don't let your present emotions jump you out of a frying into a fire.

    Workplace changes are the common denominator these days. Stay cool, adaptable and keep well
    The best way to stay cool is to have great weekends with Ems doing nothing but everything together.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    The best way to stay cool is to have great weekends with Ems doing nothing but everything together,

  18. #18
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    Steve - keep it brief and on one page written in such a way that makes you stand out from all the other Joes. Remember to include stuff like full (clean) driving licence, UK passport, home owner no mortgage

  19. #19
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Writing out C.V's and filling out forms are so

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    A bad few weeks its been Joe, and yes you are right just a few more pay months is all i require,
    i would have thought you shouldn't have a problem with getting another driving job Steve, many jobs out there , and you've got a lot of experience, and that's something you cant buy or get quick , so if worse comes to worse and you quit, so don't let this get you down

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would have thought you shouldn't have a problem with getting another driving job Steve, many jobs out there , and you've got a lot of experience, and that's something you cant buy or get quick , so if worse comes to worse and you quit, so don't let this get you down
    A lot of driving is now done by cut price Warsaw Pact competition encouraged in by those champions of the British Working class the Labour Party, but on the plus side it's no longer "racist" to express criticism & concerns over the euro trash

  22. #22
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Writing out C.V's and filling out forms are so
    , Jamie ... it's such a drudge!

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , Jamie ... it's such a drudge!
    ... time was ... ... you could simply stroll into wokplaces and inquire if they'd any spare jobs going.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Abigail's Avatar
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    Hi Steve, firstly good luck if you decide to move jobs, I hope you will find something that makes you happy. If I may offer a little advice about writing your CV. As Ded said try to keep it on a single page as someone accepting CV's will probably have a lot to read through and will skim over any that are too long and wordy. I would suggest the following layout.

    -Name, address, contact details, marital status, driving licence. I would normally suggest date of birth as well but to be honest I would avoid putting that on as it would put a lot of people off and they will get an idea from the rest of the document anyway.
    - list any qualifications, for example a degree or any professional certificates that you hold
    - work experience with most recent first. Include your job title and a brief description of your main duties and responsibilities. This is where you make yourself sound super important and good at everything lol. Embellish but do not lie.
    - Reference, If possible two professional references but if not then one professional and one character (obviously not a family member though)

    I look at CV's for a living and these are the ones I most appreciate receiving as they give all the information I need in a clear and concise way without too much waffling! I would also say though that from an employers point of view the fact that you have only had two jobs is a very positive thing as it shows commitment and loyalty.

    Once again good luck

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    Good post Abigail

  26. #26
    Respected Member Abigail's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe, I just hope it will help make it seem a bit less daunting for Steve

  27. #27
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... time was ... ... you could simply stroll into wokplaces and inquire if they'd any spare jobs going.
    The last time I did that I received a sarcastic response from the receptionist.

    Uncalled for.

    All I wanted was a job as a doctor.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    All I wanted was a job as a doctor.
    Jamie buy a CV and associated paperwork in Lagos or Islamabad

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    The last time I did that I received a sarcastic response from the receptionist.

    Uncalled for.

    All I wanted was a job as a *doctor.
    Oh well ... ... at least it shows you've had some *practice!

  30. #30
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Steve my advice would be to stay as you are so long as its bearable, no harm in putting your CV out there, but a word of warning, our European friends have made sure the salaries are not what we would expect.

    I to am from an era where you walked out of a job one day, and into another the next day, and as some have pointed out, age can be an obstacle these days, especially in my case being over 60, the minds willing, but sometimes the body isnt.

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