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Thread: Starting to fill in a CV

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Wow how things have changed, here am i trying to fill in a CV for myself, and it's hard.

    Since leaving school all those years ago and in them there days you did just walk into any job, and all you said is, "My name is Steve, have you any jobs?" And you were hired.

    I have only had two jobs in my life both of which I have enjoyed. The first was a farmer. I used to work there in school holidays, so they did know me and it was only natural to go there straight from school. I was so lean and very, very fit and had a great tan too. 1976 that was, then once I had a family the wage was not enough to live on.

    So that's when I moved to where I am now. That was around 1980, and again, I just walked in, told a few little lies and got the job. Worked my way up and am now assistant manager,

    So here I am, trying to fill in a CV and its hard. I am the old school, face to face sort of guy. I can sell myself face to face better then writing it down on paper. It seems to be hard saying you can give someone 100% of yourself, plus I know my age is against me too. With the CVs we get ourselves, you read them and you think NO, NO, NO HE MIGHT BE OK , NO, NO, NO. AND IT GOES ON.

    I think the way for me is to get on to the agency route if I cannot get satisfaction from my job. They say there is work out there and yes, there is, but there is also crap money and very, very bad employers.

    Hay ho, onwards and upwards they say!
    I think you're better to stay where you are Steve, just turn a deaf ear to any comments that you don't like and be a 'yes man' until you're ready to move to smiley Philippines.

    Good luck whatever your decision!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I think you're better to stay where you are Steve, just turn a deaf ear to any comments that you don't like and be a 'yes man' until you're ready to move to smiley Philippines.

    Good luck whatever your decision!
    Sounds like you're going thru bad times at work, but it will not last. Stick it out and see what happens. From what I remember, you had something like 30 payslips to go before you planned to quit anyway

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Sounds like you're going thru bad times at work, but it will not last. Stick it out and see what happens. From what I remember, you had something like 30 payslips to go before you planned to quit anyway
    A bad few weeks its been Joe, and yes you are right just a few more pay months is all I require.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    A bad few weeks its been Joe, and yes you are right just a few more pay months is all i require,
    i would have thought you shouldn't have a problem with getting another driving job Steve, many jobs out there , and you've got a lot of experience, and that's something you cant buy or get quick , so if worse comes to worse and you quit, so don't let this get you down

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would have thought you shouldn't have a problem with getting another driving job Steve, many jobs out there , and you've got a lot of experience, and that's something you cant buy or get quick , so if worse comes to worse and you quit, so don't let this get you down
    A lot of driving is now done by cut price Warsaw Pact competition encouraged in by those champions of the British Working class the Labour Party, but on the plus side it's no longer "racist" to express criticism & concerns over the euro trash

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