My job history is:

Left school aged 15 in 1990.

Started work 6 months' later aged 16, as my Mum refused to keep me!

Same job for 9 years....

Left job for 18 months to try something else - Company got taken over and my job changed, so left to go back to first job.....

Lasted 5 more years before getting made redundant. Finished job on the Friday, new job on the Monday.

Redundancy money paid off my credit card bill.

Been in new job for coming up 10 years........ But things have changed in the last 3 months for the worse.... So as soon as Harlene is here I am seriously thinking of changing jobs again, if things haven't improved in the next few months - as are most of the staff I work with....

As for a CV... I do have an outdated one on the Reed job agency website.... A couple of years back I used to get quite a few places phoning me to see if I was still after a new job, but as soon as I tell them what I earn now, they are nowhere near with what they are offering..... So I changed my profile to say what money I am after and I haven't had a call since

Problem is, I am on not that great money, but for what I do it is quite competitive compared to similar jobs.