Hi Steve, firstly good luck if you decide to move jobs, I hope you will find something that makes you happy. If I may offer a little advice about writing your CV. As Ded said try to keep it on a single page as someone accepting CV's will probably have a lot to read through and will skim over any that are too long and wordy. I would suggest the following layout.

-Name, address, contact details, marital status, driving licence. I would normally suggest date of birth as well but to be honest I would avoid putting that on as it would put a lot of people off and they will get an idea from the rest of the document anyway.
- list any qualifications, for example a degree or any professional certificates that you hold
- work experience with most recent first. Include your job title and a brief description of your main duties and responsibilities. This is where you make yourself sound super important and good at everything lol. Embellish but do not lie.
- Reference, If possible two professional references but if not then one professional and one character (obviously not a family member though)

I look at CV's for a living and these are the ones I most appreciate receiving as they give all the information I need in a clear and concise way without too much waffling! I would also say though that from an employers point of view the fact that you have only had two jobs is a very positive thing as it shows commitment and loyalty.

Once again good luck