Can,t believe the Germans paid the ransom in full.All that does is send a signal: "Oh, let's kidnap some more foreigners"
Can,t believe the Germans paid the ransom in full.All that does is send a signal: "Oh, let's kidnap some more foreigners"
The Germans say they didn't, the terrorists say they did.
We'll never know...
Has to be said that most EU countries have a history of paying though.
"Blood money" ... same as the Philippines' Government has - on quite a number of occasions - been coerced into shelling outto foreign (mainly Arabian) States also, in return for sparing the lives of Filipino captives abroad.
I hear what you are saying Brian, however if it was a member of my family, I would just be glad they were free.
Was it the German government or private individuals who paid the ransom?
Talking of Germans and terrorists - here's a photo which had me reaching for the sick bag. For anyone who doesn't know, the character on the left who the Queen is cosying up to is former IRA terrorist, Martin McGuiness.
lol well I know for a fact nobody would pay a ransom for me .I would,nt get kidnapped anyway I,d tell them they will have to shoot me. I would rather die than be held captive in a jungle for years - screw that.
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