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Thread: I am confused....

  1. #31
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi GRacia!
    i was like erve. i didn't want my husband to call me when we were dating on the internet. for me it was just a waste of time and money because i couldn't understand his accent properly that time. so i preferred email and chat. he has never texted me until i came here in uk. he's not that type of person. but he showed me his love in other ways.
    I think your bf-to-be is just a sensible guy, the type of guy who doesn't say he loves all women he chatted to and who is also looking for the right woman to come. wait til he met u in real. early next year? it's not long from now. he surely has feelings for you but want to see you first in person. my then bf hubby told me he wanted to make sure i was genuine and that i was not pretending to be a woman before he let himself drowned in to me. we never had this bf-gf relationship before we met in real.
    Just enjoy chatting and emailing with him. he probably thinks that if you can wait, then you are the right woman for him. if you tell him frankly what you want, he might think you're such in a hurry. if you do that, then maybe he's not the one for you as well. we don't really know. I think you better go with the flow.

  2. #32
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    how ahhh u?wot r u dowwin. Same here boggie my friend
    Holla there Leah, im fine thanks for askin my kulangot friend..LOL
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  3. #33
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    hayyy....its very cold today so makikisali na nga!

    if theres no gf/bf going on, dont stop looking!

    If you always play the "PURSUER " role, it will end up like youre always the one pursuing if ever it will end up in a relationship.

    And then you get fed up...

    And then its too late...

    Kaya...GO GO girl!!

    live harmoniously by not trying too hard...
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  4. #34
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    My British bf never initiated phoning me but we regularly chat at MSN and sometimes he sends me text messages. Is it really such a big deal if he won't call because of overseas cost of calling? Most of you seem to say that getting him (bf) to call you is one great factor in determining how much he values you and the relationship. If he never calls for the entire 13 months of online relationship, does it mean that there might be some doubts? We still haven't met for real not because he didn't want to but because of some reasons. He planned several times (4x) to come to the Phils. to meet me but unfortunately he got some financial problems caused by his car. But I didn't mind at all that he failed to come to meet coz I had some work related commitments as well during those scheduled dates. Hopefully, God willing, our meeting on April this year will push through. I will appreciate your comments on this. Thanks.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    My British bf never initiated phoning me but we regularly chat at MSN and sometimes he sends me text messages. Is it really such a big deal if he won't call because of overseas cost of calling? Most of you seem to say that getting him (bf) to call you is one great factor in determining how much he values you and the relationship. If he never calls for the entire 13 months of online relationship, does it mean that there might be some doubts? We still haven't met for real not because he didn't want to but because of some reasons. He planned several times (4x) to come to the Phils. to meet me but unfortunately he got some financial problems caused by his car. But I didn't mind at all that he failed to come to meet coz I had some work related commitments as well during those scheduled dates. Hopefully, God willing, our meeting on April this year will push through. I will appreciate your comments on this. Thanks.
    wow 13 months is really that long...i dont want to dis appoint you just sharing my experience...(w/c almost like yours) we chat more than a year he plan to come here...but when the time comes nearly 2 weeks on his plan..he slip on the garage he got accident and so..plan another month again ..(we chatted b4 i go sleep and when i wake up ) almost 5 hours in a day..but after few months i guess he dont have any plan..coz he keep saying theres seminar (hes a businessman) always...after few months..he said he cant marry me coz im still married (sigh) ..and now
    after 1 1/2 year w/ nothing happen ..i can say i wasted my time chatting to him...and so i said im tired w/ those kind of men..but i never give up...(i just didnt take men online seriously ) till one day i found my hubby...i can say I FINALLY FIND SOMEONE...and it works to me when i say LIFE BEGINS AT 40

    ANYWAY SIS....I WISH U GOOD LUCK ! theres nothing impossible under the sun

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    people are different and everyones circumstances are different, i was chatting to me misses for along time b4 we meet, must have been nearly 2 years , even told me a few times if i didn't come and see her by a certain date, don''t bother coming at all , well family problems, work and whatever got in my way... a few times we both or one of us wanted to walk away , but we've been married more than 5 years now , we were even married more than 2 years b4 i applied for a spouse visa for her

    some of us take a bit longer to do things if you love the person, you don't give up ..

  7. #37
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    hehe what if ...i didnt give up...coz i really love him b4...(iether im trying hard ) or maybe i will get old and cant even catch the last trip of getting married...brrrsssttt

    well youre lucky or should i say your wife is lucky ..coz u are true to your feelings ehh !

  8. #38
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    reason why me misses was left in the phils was becuase she was still at uni, i did try and see her a few times, but for different reasons i didn't go, usually something came up, and i had problems at work, they were going into liquidation, but took longer than i thought , good old boss, kept the ship afloat for as long as he could, so i can understand why your b/f might not go and see you when he says, i was waiting for the right time, i didn't want to go for a week, when i first went i was there nearly a month

  9. #39
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Thanks jedc143 and joebloggs for your comments. It was not entirely my bf's fault that we still haven't met. Our first plan date of meeting was April last year and second date was July. But it was me who asked bf to postpone his coming because i needed to attend a management training in Manila in Feb. which was extended up to early July. My bf was so understanding and so supportive of me then. We planned again to meet Nov 2007 and then Jan. this year but in both dates, he had some financial difficulties because of problems with his car. In my heart, I always believe my bf is true to me. He had proven it to me in several other ways. If in case we wont still ever meet next scheduled date, then I wud say maybe God has other plans for both of us. But nevertheless, I wud say that I will always be proud and happy to have met him.

  10. #40
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Awww I just have to interfere don't I? All I'll say is see how you feel about him after meeting him..maybe he's just being a bit cautious? Maybe he's not entirely sure he wants to get involved with you yet?

    If you get on well after meeting him, then he should become more generous and sharing I think...I only called Vimvie about twice a month at first..she was working in an internet cafe and we were sending each other offline messages everyday on yahoo it didn't seem worth it calling so much (although I did need to hear her voice sometimes)

    Has he booked his visit to come and see you then? It may be that he has less money than you imagine..

    I wish you well, be lucky!

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  11. #41
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    My British bf never initiated phoning me but we regularly chat at MSN and sometimes he sends me text messages. Is it really such a big deal if he won't call because of overseas cost of calling? Most of you seem to say that getting him (bf) to call you is one great factor in determining how much he values you and the relationship. ...
    Hey, my hubby doesn't phone me, he only texts when it's important. I do the calling. Does that mean he love me less? Nah, we r just practical. Its cheaper to call from here than texting. We talk in MSN several hours a night anyway.

    Sometimes, we ought to be understanding. As Joeblogg's said, everyone has different circumstances. Maybe ur bf is just being cautious. Let's face it, some girls tend to dope people in the net, and the guys do that too. So let's all be cautious. But give ur bf the benefit of the doubt too. Wait til u guys meet up, and if he still doesn't change, then i guess, that's the time to make decisions.

    Reading from ur post, i think u have ur head above ur heart. So go gurl!
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  12. #42
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    My British bf never initiated phoning me but we regularly chat at MSN and sometimes he sends me text messages. Is it really such a big deal if he won't call because of overseas cost of calling? Most of you seem to say that getting him (bf) to call you is one great factor in determining how much he values you and the relationship. If he never calls for the entire 13 months of online relationship, does it mean that there might be some doubts? We still haven't met for real not because he didn't want to but because of some reasons. He planned several times (4x) to come to the Phils. to meet me but unfortunately he got some financial problems caused by his car. But I didn't mind at all that he failed to come to meet coz I had some work related commitments as well during those scheduled dates. Hopefully, God willing, our meeting on April this year will push through. I will appreciate your comments on this. Thanks.
    hey it's me! i am the guy in question and was suprised to see this herewe chat virtualy everytime we can on msn,which can be for up to 2 hours everyday that we are both off at the same time.if we can't always chat or we get d/c i will text sometimes.i tried ringing using those "cheap" prefix nos but cud never seem to get it to work is an example of how are chatting goes-we chatted today on msn for a few mins in my lunch break,we will chat on sunday,monday,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun,mon,tue,wed next week as im on nights so the time difference fits in.when im on days or earlies it is harder as im at work and when home she is in we chat very regually,long chats,loving chats our future together chats not ringing from some messed up special number makes no difference.we also put cams on and sometimes try to talk through mics although mine not so good!so thats my side of things and one less bar of "bettys" chocolate for leslady888

  13. #43
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    awww my darling Les, I believe u me I was just trying to react on some posts here that seem to give much weight on phone calls for a long distance relationship such as ours. You know it's not a big deal with me if u haven't ever called me coz I do understand.

    Jeeze am I in trouble now?

    I my darling Les
    <<lots of love and kisses for you my darling Les. ..Peace now???

  14. #44
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i hardly ever phoned the misses , why would i spend £££££ on talking to her , when we just sat and chatted for hours using icq , it didn't stop her phoning me sometimes thou, yes, using the money i sent her

  15. #45
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    ahmmm , when we first meet in net (bf and i) we start to get to know each other ... he texting me , call me on the fone ( sometimes 5x a day , withouth sending money yet ) and chat 12noon til 7pm here (sometimes til 9pm
    i use to go cafe to chat him and yes i spend money to go there .... it doesnt matter how long we talk coz we both know from the start that we have a chemistry , til the time came , .... he tried to send me money in post but i dunno they returned it to him then a friend told him try western union and transfer and yeheyyy , it worked lol so i picked up the money and fone me after to know if i have it now , almost everyday we chat , we use mic too , cams, and he started to send gift (filgifts ) and me via fedex , as i remember i send him a boxer short and a letter with kiss mark hahaha but too bad the bird sophocate as he said , i saved all his texts from 2005 til 2007 but last August my cellphone been snatched ... and now i have new one im still saving his text and call logs for evidence maybe hehehe ... i am lucky to meet him , he never change from start and i know til our last breathe .... think Positive and be cool lol ... be patient ...

    goodluck sis Leah ... and hopefull to meet you one day

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  16. #46
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    awww my darling Les, I believe u me I was just trying to react on some posts here that seem to give much weight on phone calls for a long distance relationship such as ours. You know it's not a big deal with me if u haven't ever called me coz I do understand.

    Jeeze am I in trouble now?

    I my darling Les
    <<lots of love and kisses for you my darling Les. ..Peace now???
    yes big.big trouble now! hmm maybe keith could think of a suitable punishment

  17. #47
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    yes big.big trouble now! hmm maybe keith could think of a suitable punishment
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  18. #48
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    My British bf never initiated phoning me .......

    We still haven't met for real not because he didn't want to ................

    Hopefully, God willing, our meeting on April this year will push through. I will appreciate your comments on this. Thanks.
    Hi les_lady888 the first time I saw ur post I know we’re the same situation…
    But speaking of phoning my experience like this …..At first he phoned me using his mobile but later on when he found out his bill he stopped it ….
    then we discovered this site there’s a lot of helpful thread for cheap phone rates..But in our early stage talking him over the phone was really hard
    especially the accent from a loving brummie
    Ex. wot are u doin? Kinnoy (can i) stop callin coz I got cuf (cough) and code(cold)…I got cannabea (can of beer)plus talking fast ..

    So I prefer now chattinghe just phoned when it is needed and if we don’t have chance to talk online..

    Seriously ....let’s talk about our bf plans for visiting us..yes you are right they never said they don’t want infact if given a chance they want it soon..
    but some financial reason and some circumstances happened they didn’t make it..So we must have patience and more understanding….
    But if they made excuses again and again… let’s run fast together ..
    Stay happy and inlove


  19. #49
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    les_lady hehe u make me laugh,why? u didnt know that he is a member of the he caught u asking that phoning question hehe...well to be honest would u believe i didnt want my hubby to call me here in pi as well as i dont want him to spend lots of money by calling me.. we talked 7 hours (usually ) in a day before i go sleep and when i wake obviously we dont need to talk via phone but he said he wants to hear my voice..then i said "im not gonna answer your call" hehe coz i dont want him to spend more money nga by calling me...and u know why ?? because he and i gonna get married so i am concern on my hub budget (i hope i make sense )

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