Hello gracia006, I met my now future husband sometime during the month of July also but in 2005, we communicate each other constantly through e-mails, in my case , I never received any phone calls or even text messages in the entire 4 months of talking over the internet :-( Although I wished to receive one but anyway we were not in this so called gf/bf stage so it’s understandable and i should not expect.

Usually if the man likes you, he always initiate the talking but not all people are the same, as most people in the forum said, he might be shy, being too cautious and any other reason but it doesn’t mean he don’t like you. I think from July, when you started talking to each other, you can feel anyway if you are important to him and considering he has a plan to see you then that is one good point to him although in some ways he missed the point of initiating the conversation.

Now just be a bit patient and it’s how you work out your communication. Me and Paul took 4 months before he said he thinks he loves me and ended up in a gf/bf relationship and from then I received everyday 3 times call and text messages and he don’t care how much he spent for the long hours of calling and I even complained that my ear was hurting already.

It’s still your decision if you want to continue your search since you are not in a gf/bf relationship yet so you are still free. However if you feel that you want to take the risk for a possible relationship with him then you need to be open.