Hi Gracia,
I think when a man loves a woman theres nothing too difficult for him to do. My fiance told me that he spent more than 175pounds on his telephone bill during our first month.Those time we haven`t seen each other yet in person. He first email me Thursday afternoon, then Friday I emailed him my photograph and then Saturday morning he phone me, that how we started, He calls me everymorning during the week and night time on weekends where in one occassion we talk on the phone for more than seven hours straigth. That was four years ago and still he hasn`t change when were apart, he always find a chance to call me, even he is at the office, on holiday, on the football games, cricket match, in parents house and wherever.
But I think, everyone have their own way to show that they care. But if you have doubts dont go for it, or try not to go online for a while and see if he will miss you. If he does, he will call you, if you have given him your telephone number, if you have not of course thats the reason why he did not call hehehe just wanted you to smile.... OK if he misses you he will either call you or email you, but if he did not then you have to accept the truth that he is not into you.