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Thread: Foreign drivers' tax loophole to close

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Foreign drivers' tax loophole to close

    About time

    The registration details of thousands of foreign drivers will be shared with the DVLA and police for the first time to crack down on migrants who avoid tax and motoring fines.
    Read more here ......

  2. #2
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    What about the thousands of number plate recognition cameras that allegedly track our every move? Is that just an urban myth ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    And about time this was sorted out, as soon as they set foot in the Country they should be paying some form of road Tax, they should provide there Insurance details etc etc, Im sick to the back teeth seeing european cars and drivers without Tax for month upon month, if they dont have Tax then its a fair bet that they wont have insurance either.

    Simple answer we cant stop immigration from Europe, so make it more difficult and more expensive in the same way that we make it more difficult and more expensive for people from None EU countries.

    Example if they have a return ticket to the country that they are coming from, they dont pay the Tax and Insurance required, if they dont have a return Ticket then they have to pay Tax, Insurance, and a registration Fee which will also mean that they have to provide an accomodation address, then within 6 months they have to confirm this accomodation address or pay another Fee.

    If theres a will theres various ways to slow down the influx though its a bit like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

    Which brings me to another point, when are we likely to see our first Polish family in one of the various Soaps that we see on TV, the viewing figures would shoot up by many millions with that move alone..

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