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Thread: I'd prop up Cameron in government... but only if we can vote on leaving the EU next year, says Nigel

  1. #61
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    All of this pandering to the voters by the big parties in the run-up to the election. Sickening marketing and propaganda.

    Keep digging them in the ribs Mr. Farage. You won't get into power, but SOMEBODY might be pressured to actually carry out the wishes of the majority of ordinary people in this country then.

  2. #62
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I have in no way said the medical profession get too much money - just Joe being economical with the truth.

    The structure of the pay rise is wrong - the 1% across the board.
    The guy on over a £100,000 would get it too

    Thought you Labour guys were against wealth!

  3. #63
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Midwives starting salary is £22,000 -rising to £34,000 when experienced.

    Top Midwives' Advisers etc, on £60,000
    Why did you spend time googling their wages, Les? Is this supposed to impress people? How well paid they are? Tell me what the average wage is

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Plus all the ridiculous immigrants allowed in. 120-odd different kinds of benefits created
    Name 20 benefits, Les. The only mistake Labour made, unless you know better. If you do, please tell. They didn't make the Poles wait 7yrs until they could come to the UK - which they did with the Romanians and Bulgarians.

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Have to fend off fights, even had a gun waved in my car.
    Many NHS staff have been assaulted ,

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Unions are the problem, get rid!
    And what about bosses that exploit workers? If they didn't, then there would be no need for unions

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I also wish to say that many doctors I know are middle class having come from moneyed backgrounds. Tory voters too!
    You would have to be from a middle class family to afford the £50k debt they end up in

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Is that why we have so many foreign doctors Joe, 'cos their training is less thorough ?
    My misses has done 5yrs at Med School in the Phils, the course and uni has to be recognised by the GMC so you can be registered. That's after you've passed PLAB exams - something British doctors don't do!

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I have in no way said the medical profession get too much money - just Joe being economical with the truth.

    The structure of the pay rise is wrong - the 1% across the board.

    The guy on over a £100,000 would get it too

    Thought you Labour guys were against wealth!
    As I've already asked, why did you post the wage scales for them ???

    Which guy gets £100k? Show me some figures as you did with midwives, Les

  4. #64
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Why did you spend time googling their wages, Les? Is this supposed to impress people? How well paid they are? Tell me what the average wage is
    Unlike you Joe, I don't google all day - was on 5-Live when I heard it

    the only mistake Labour made
    You're having a laugh!

    I will look it up at some point, but it is a fact that under Labour there were about 120 different benefits available.

    Many NHS staff have been assaulted
    True, but this is not the argument - I'm not criticizing the job they do or what they get paid - you misread too much.

    Quick google and I found this - if you want I will try to find higher earners


    All I'm saying is, a lot of the top-paid professionals were able to take on the debt, as they came from wealthy middle class backgrounds

  5. #65
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Btw. I only posted the midwife wage as Andy posted this:

    Now there are midwives striking for decent pay. The first time in history
    Since the average midwife gets over £30,000, I did not feel they were on the breadline.

    You Labour guys love strike action - so we give them a rise, then firemen, then police etc etc - we ain't got the money as Labour gleefully pointed out when they were kicked out of office

  6. #66
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Unlike you Joe I don't google all day-was on 5 live where I heard it
    , I cant access this forum 24/7 - unlike you while you're working. The only reason I'm on here now is because today is one of my paid holidays

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Quick google and I found this - if you want, I will try to find higher earners
    Pity you didn't check Les, there are Pay Scales for Managers, but then you'll tell me the NHS has to pay the going business rate for a job with such responsibility when a trust employs 1,000s

    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    All I'm saying is, a lot of the top-paid professionals were able to take on the debt, as they came from wealthy middle class backgrounds
    You're right Les, not many working class kids get to be doctors, doesn't sound fair does it

  7. #67
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    You're right Les, not many working class kids get to be doctors, doesn't sound fair does it
    It's life get on with it!

    Pity you didn't check Les, there are Pay Scales for Managers, but then you'll tell me the NHS has to pay the going business rate for a job with such responsibility when a trust employs 1,000s
    No, pity you don't know your stuff Joe, as it was on 5 Live this morning. Play it back! Nicky (what's his name?) put it to the strikers: How did they feel about people in the Health Service earning over £100,000 getting the 1%? They, of course, couldn't answer. Great fun listening to that!

    Double-check your facts in future, Joe - I'm getting bored of correcting you

  8. #68
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Btw, I only posted the midwife wage as Andy posted this:

    Now there are midwives striking for decent pay. The first time in history.

    Since the average midwife gets over £30,000, I did not feel they were on the breadline.

    You Labour guys love strike action - so we give them a rise, then firemen, then police, etc etc - we ain't got the money as Labour gleefully pointed out when they were kicked out of office
    You don't feel Les, how much is rent down South, Les?

    No money, yet Osborne cuts 10% off the tax rate for the rich! How does that work out, Les?

    Seeing as you're busy working, I'll google average pay for the UK for you Les..

    Oh, it's £26,500 Les.

    There were four midwives on staff the night we were there and every single one of them told me they love their job. They routinely work their 12-hour shift without a break and stay late - sometimes up to 15/16 hours - in order to see a labour through.

    As for my misses, I moaned at her last week when she came home at 7:30 pm. Told her she was only supposed to work 40 hrs a week. Most nights she doesn't get home till after 7pm. It's 6:20pm now, shes still not home and she should finish at 5pm. Takes her 20mins to get home... unpaid overtime Les, unlike you she cant just say I've had enough for today and go home.

  9. #69
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    It's life get on with it!

    No, pity you don't know your stuff Joe, as it was on 5 Live this morning. Play it back! Nicky (whats his name?) put it to the strikers: How did they feel about people in the Health Service earning over £100,000 getting the 1%? They, of course, couldn't answer. Great fun listening to that!

    Double-check your facts in future, Joe - I'm getting bored of correcting you
    I'll correct you again les, what's this link then les ?? send me a link where it says a doctor, nurse or midwife gets 100k a year ?

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  10. #70
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    They entered the profession knowing that's the score. The wage for a midwife is based on a *37.5 hour week. What's *that? I've never done that in my life

    They do a great job and clearly get great job satisfaction.
    You have Googled the average pay for what? everyone in UK?

    unlike you she can't just say I've had enough for today and go home
    Did she choose her job or was she forced into it against her will Joe? If she was forced into it she could maybe claim.

    I chose my job too and had to invest a lot of money to do so.

    I have worked 90-hour weeks mate, so don't need a lecture on when I can finish.

  11. #71
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'll correct you again, Les. What's this link then, Les? Send me a link where it says a doctor, nurse or midwife gets 100k a year
    No, I will correct you. I said 'Health Worker' - which includes all as pointed out on 5 Live - just listen to the podcast! In fact, do you want £50 on it?

  12. #72
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Salaries for the UK's 42,000 GPs vary from an average of £103,000 a year for partners in practices to anything between £53,781 and £81,158 for GPs employed by Primary Care Trusts.

    That's from 2012 - satisfied now?

  13. #73
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Keith give me all your cash and car and credit cards! I will spend everything, max out your cards. Then in a few years time I will have a go at you for having no money to spend.
    So the way the Tories have dealt with it is to go to payday lenders and increase the debt by using debt to payoff debt!

    Even the country's top finance experts say the government should have invested more money in jobs, rather than putting thousands on the dole, and calling it austerity.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #74
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It was a no win election - a poisoned chalice - you ain't going to like the person who says you can't spend what we haven't got

    Even the country's top finance experts say the government should have invested more money in jobs, rather than putting thousands on the dole, and call it austerity
    So the fact is that the jobless count is lower than when Labour was in power is irrelevant then?

  15. #75
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Right, work to do - as I have just wasted an hour of my life on here.

  16. #76
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    They entered the profession knowing that's the score.The wage for a midwife is based on a *37.5 hour week. What's *that? I've never done that in my life

    They do a great job and clearly get great job satisfaction.
    You have Googled the average pay for what? everyone in UK?

    Did she choose her job or was she forced into it against her will Joe? If she was forced into it she could maybe claim

    I chose my job too and had to invest a lot of money to do so.

    I have worked 90-hour weeks mate so don't need a lecture on when I can finish.
    So when you take a job and your contract says you work a 40-hr week, that's what you work, not 5-10 hrs a week for nothing. But that's what many NHS workers do - work for nothing - it doesn't come with the job at all, they are dedicated to the job. Unlike you Les, they can't say never mind the patient, I'll go home. Maybe they should, and it will force a change! But then it's that they are striking for now! Where does it mention working for nothing ?????? They are - and have been - exploited for years and you moan about a 1% pay rise.

    90-hrs a week? Try a 12-hr shift for a week dealing with people's lives.

  17. #77
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Salaries for the UK's 42,000 GPs vary from an average of £103,000 a year for partners in practices to anything between £53,781 and £81,158 for GPs employed by Primary Care Trusts.

    That's from 2012 - satisfied now?
    Partners, they own the GP surgery; its run as a business just like your taxi business. They employ staff and pay their wages, pay utilities etc..

    Oh, an NHS GP gets £53k to £85k,

    How many years experience do you need to be on £85k?

  18. #78
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Wrong again Joe - you suckered me into coming back to reply.

    A survey by The Daily Telegraph has found that more than 7,800 NHS staff were paid over £100,000 last year, with a third of them earning more than David Cameron’s £142,500 salary.

    You're glad they would have got the 1% rise? !

    Again, you are trying to twist things - which is what you do.

    I have total respect for NHS workers, don't believe in strikes - unlike Labour supporters in general.

  19. #79
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    People choose their jobs - if they don't want the hours, don't want the responsibility, go and do another job.

    You will be telling me next, Teachers have a hard time of it

  20. #80
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    What will be awful for the country - but will be great fun - is watching you trying to defend Labour if they get back in. Oh, I'm sure we will all be poorer, but I will have the satisfaction of taking the piss out of you big time

  21. #81
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Waste of time talking about the Tories anyway, they won't be winning next May. The underlying trend the bookies use still gives Labour a few points lead.
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #82
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm shutting up for now.

  23. #83
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Wrong again Joe - you suckered me into coming back to reply.

    A survey by The Daily Telegraph has found that more than 7,800 NHS staff were paid over £100,000 last year, with a third of them earning more than David Cameron’s £142,500 salary.
    How many were managers ???????

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    A survey by The Daily Telegraph has found that more than 7,800 NHS staff were paid over £100,000 last year, with a third of them earning more than David Cameron’s £142,500 salary
    Cameron and the MPs have more paid holidays than any other job. Maybe he should try a 12-hr shift for a week!

  25. #85
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Waste of time talking about the Tories anyway, they won't be winning next May. The underlying trend the bookies use still gives Labour a few points lead.

    They were right about the Scottish Referendum and they will be right about a Labour government.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Perfect combination for me - Tory/UKIP - bang on!
    I can't think of anything worse than this! Actually, I can. UKIP on their own!

    This is an interesting read and tells it how it is. I'm still hopeful that the vast majority of UKIP's supporters will see sense before the next election.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Waste of time talking about the Tories anyway, they won't be winning next May. The underlying trend the bookies use still gives Labour a few points lead.
    As a betting man, how much do you want on that?

  28. #88
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I can't think of anything worse than this! Actually, I can. UKIP on their own!

    This is an interesting read and tells it how it is. I'm still hopeful that the vast majority of UKIP's supporters will see sense before the next election.
    Let's hope many of them watch this:

  29. #89
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Found your article, Les

    Almost 8,000 NHS hospital managers and consultants were paid six-figure salaries last year while nurses were “run ragged” because of dangerously low staffing levels.
    The highest-paid executive earned £340,000 — almost 16 times more than ward nurses, who earn as little as £21,388-a-year. Eleven high earners have been paid more than £250,000 each.
    Darren Cattell, the trust’s interim finance director, was paid £340,000 last year — almost £1,475-a-day — as the trust headed towards financial meltdown.
    Trusts said that the majority of high earners were senior clinical staff. The average consultant is paid £84,000, but can receive an additional £76,000 a year in “clinical excellence awards”, which critics claim are given as a matter of course.
    A Department of Health spokesman said: “Many of these staff are senior consultants and their pay reflects responsibilities and clinical skills".

  30. #90
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post

    This is an interesting read and tells it how it is.
    Unlike this thread, ... full of the usual boring, political claptrap - accurate or otherwise - being posted on here, ad infinitum!

    ! At last, someone has taken the initiative to close it, thank the Lord!

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