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Thread: TOEIC English language test result. Please help! Sir Terpe, may I have your opinion please!

  1. #1
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    TOEIC English language test result. Please help! Sir Terpe, may I have your opinion please!

    Good day everyone!

    I took my basic English language test at Katherine Kings College in Harrow outside London last week feb 5th listening and speaking test, I got my listening test result today in the post courier to the house of my fiance, I am a bit confused whether I have passed it or not, my official score report I got was 270 out of 495? As they say the passing score would be 60 for the listening test for the fiancee visa, is it 60 percent or just 60? I am still waiting for my speaking test result in 10 working days.

    Thank you in advance! God bless us all!


  2. #2
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    Hi Claire, sorry for my delayed reply.

    Here are the Listening and the Speaking scores from TOEIC test for the various levels:-

    A1 = Listening - 60
    Speaking - 50

    A2 = Listening - 110
    Speaking - 90

    B1 = Listening - 275
    Speaking - 120

    B2 = Listening - 400
    Speaking - 160

    UKBA are only interested in Listening and Speaking scores.
    Level A1 is the minimum needed for UK entry visa requirements and level B1 for ILR and Naturalisation.

    Scores are not percentage they are 'raw scores' just as you get on your score report.

    Hope that clarifies for you.

  3. #3
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Hi Claire, I don't want to disappoint you with the information below..but I just want you to know and check it for yourself if you will be affected by this:

    TOEIC & TOEFL suspended until further investigation goes on. UKBA sending letters to all students and applicants by saying to provide them a new English Test or their application will be held until they finalise their investigation. You can see more details here:

  4. #4
    Member alexis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    Hi Claire, I don't want to disappoint you with the information below..but I just want you to know and check it for yourself if you will be affected by this:

    TOEIC & TOEFL suspended until further investigation goes on. UKBA sending letters to all students and applicants by saying to provide them a new English Test or their application will be held until they finalise their investigation. You can see more details here:

    THIS IS NOT TRUE! I have submitted my TOEIC Certificate and the Embassy accepted it. I've checked UKBA site and TOEIC is still on the approved list.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    Hi Claire, I don't want to disappoint you with the information below..but I just want you to know and check it for yourself if you will be affected by this:

    TOEIC & TOEFL suspended until further investigation goes on. UKBA sending letters to all students and applicants by saying to provide them a new English Test or their application will be held until they finalise their investigation. You can see more details here:
    Here's is the current status as announced by ETS under instruction of The Home Office:-


    The U.K. Home Office has directed ETS to suspend TOEICŪ and TOEFLŪ testing at this time in the U.K. for those already in the U.K. who plan to use their scores as part of their visa application. At this time, individuals already in the U.K. who are planning to apply for a visa may not use a TOEIC or TOEFL test to provide evidence of English proficiency for their application. For individuals who are both applying for a visa and testing outside the UK there is no change. The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before. Candidates in the U.K. who have appointments to take either test for immigration purposes will be contacted by ETS to process a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    The key sentence for those in Philippines is:-

    "....The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before."

  6. #6
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Here's is the current status as announced by ETS under instruction of The Home Office:

    The key sentence for those in Philippines is:-

    "....The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before."
    Thanks for that Terpe...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Here's is the current status as announced by ETS under instruction of The Home Office:-

    The key sentence for those in Philippines is:-

    "....The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before."

    I will be having my exam (TOEIC) on 26th of February and this gave me a mini heart attack. Whew!

  8. #8
    Respected Member joy_86jm's Avatar
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    Hi Sir Terpe :-)
    Does it mean I can't use anymore my TOIEC certificates when am going to apply my FLR next yr because am not anymore in the Philippines?
    Hoping for some clarification. Thnx
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    Quote Originally Posted by joy_86jm View Post
    Hi Sir Terpe :-)
    Does it mean I can't use anymore my TOIEC certificates when am going to apply my FLR next yr because am not anymore in the Philippines?
    Hoping for some clarification. Thnx
    Will your TOIEC certificate still be valid when you apply your FLR(M)?

    Generally there has been no directives against English Language test certificates from outside UK. Only those from within UK

  10. #10
    Respected Member joy_86jm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Will your TOIEC certificate still be valid when you apply your FLR(M)?

    Generally there has been no directives against English Language test certificates from outside UK. Only those from within UK
    Big thanks sir Terpe for the reply.
    Have a nice day :-)
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  11. #11
    Member CAT's Avatar
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    Hello Sir Terpe, I forgot how to start my own thread, but since the Topic here is about TOEIC, I registered and paid to Hopkins my Listening and Reading...and Speaking Only test yesterday, that's for March 26...but I read on new Website for UKBA that they now need Listening, reading, speaking and writing???

    Am I not mistaken? So I need to phone them today to cancel SPEAKING only test, but instead take the Speaking and Writing..Thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAT View Post
    Hello Sir Terpe, I forgot how to start my own thread, but since the Topic here is about TOEIC, I registered and paid to Hopkins my Listening and Reading...and Speaking Only test yesterday, that's for March 26...but I read on new Website for UKBA that they now need Listening, reading, speaking and writing???

    Am I not mistaken? So I need to phone them today to cancel SPEAKING only test, but instead take the Speaking and Writing..Thanks
    Hi CAT,
    Unless there has been an announcement on this over the past few days it remains the case that UKVI (UKBA) only requires a passing grade for speaking and listening modules.
    There's no requirement for passing grades at either reading or writing.

    I just now checked the approved English language listing and it clearly states that.

    Can you please post the link to the web page that states otherwise?

  13. #13
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    0 Im reading...
    4. Knowledge of English

    You may need to prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply, unless you are applying in a 10-year route.

    You can prove your knowledge of English by either:
    passing an approved English language test with at least CEFR level A1 in reading, writing, speaking and listening
    So, they only need the results for Listening and Speaking only? Sorry if I made mistake for posting this, im just Confused as soon as I Read that A1 in reading, writing, Speaking and listening.

  14. #14
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    Hello again Sir Terpe, I Phone Hopkins now, and the guy said, they will inform test takers if theres changes, as spouse I only need to take Listening and Speaking A1 level on March 26, Im really sorry for my post earlier

  15. #15
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    Good day to you Sir Terpe, sorry for the delayed reply as well, thank you so much for the info. Thank you for the members too. God bless us!

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