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Thread: Laid Back

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bigtombowski Laid Back 9th November 2007, 00:10
somebody I had the same problem when... 9th November 2007, 00:24
bigtombowski thanks andy i joined a gym 4... 9th November 2007, 00:30
somebody :doh ... 9th November 2007, 00:35
bigtombowski yeh dude 9th November 2007, 00:40
Bridget I go out for a walk or... 9th November 2007, 00:50
bigtombowski wow ya, that sounds quite... 9th November 2007, 00:52
Bridget [QUOTE=bigtombowski;42109]wow... 9th November 2007, 00:59
ervenescence You need company Bigtom. How... 9th November 2007, 09:27
bigtombowski yep it's a depressant and a... 9th November 2007, 01:03
baboyako put on weight... 9th November 2007, 01:05
Bridget Depends also what cause you... 9th November 2007, 01:14
bigtombowski i am 19 stone 9th November 2007, 01:08
baboyako :blacklistsmartassHL 9th November 2007, 01:18
bigtombowski all very hard things to do 9th November 2007, 01:15
Bridget I hope things get better Tom. 9th November 2007, 01:21
bigtombowski huh? u told me to gain weight... 9th November 2007, 01:21
bigtombowski me to bridge 9th November 2007, 01:22
Bridget You will get ovet it,... 9th November 2007, 01:24
desRICHARDS the last time i got so stress... 9th November 2007, 01:26
bigtombowski thank u for that now i just... 9th November 2007, 01:27
Bridget [QUOTE=bigtombowski;42125]than... 9th November 2007, 01:30
bigtombowski bayawan city Oriental Negros... 9th November 2007, 01:32
Bridget I see. Sometimes does it... 9th November 2007, 01:34
desRICHARDS YOUR OKAY TOM AS FAR AS I... 9th November 2007, 01:34
bigtombowski ya ya ya ya! gosh i am... 9th November 2007, 01:36
kimmi son ure saying everything is... 9th November 2007, 01:37
Bridget Have a sleep Tom. Im sure... 9th November 2007, 01:37
bigtombowski nope kimmi she went offline... 9th November 2007, 01:38
desRICHARDS sorry i cant help a... 9th November 2007, 01:38
bigtombowski oops ... Des . . . nope. i... 9th November 2007, 01:40
kimmi son just calm down for now,... 9th November 2007, 01:44
bigtombowski i am not working tonight, i... 9th November 2007, 01:45
desRICHARDS no worries but ill go now... 9th November 2007, 01:45
bigtombowski thank u dessie salamat po... 9th November 2007, 01:47
kimmi ok, pls remember its raining... 9th November 2007, 01:48
bigtombowski huh? does the rain affect the... 9th November 2007, 01:51
Bridget Tom, remember this ... ... 9th November 2007, 01:53
bigtombowski thanks for bringing that to... 9th November 2007, 01:57
Bridget Im sure everything will be... 9th November 2007, 02:01
bigtombowski thank u ate bridge :) 9th November 2007, 02:02
Bridget Youre welcome Tommi. I... 9th November 2007, 02:07
bigtombowski thanks again sister and in... 9th November 2007, 02:09
bigtombowski for the psych experts here ... 9th November 2007, 02:27
kimmi hiya son, i hope and pray... 9th November 2007, 02:50
bigtombowski thank u mommmi 9th November 2007, 02:53
LEAHnew Relax bro. Tom:) 5 weeks to... 9th November 2007, 07:08
Missyalice Hello Tom! LDR can really be... 9th November 2007, 08:30
KeithD Just fire up Halo or Unreal... 9th November 2007, 09:52
kimmi hi sis Leah, Bana means... 9th November 2007, 11:50
LEAHnew Thanks sis and regards to... 9th November 2007, 12:04
kimmi thanks mare..he he he:) 9th November 2007, 12:10
Gie oh dear! T dude is in... 9th November 2007, 12:45
kimmi how are u son? hope... 9th November 2007, 13:35
bigtombowski do u notice anything... 9th November 2007, 13:45
Bridget Hi Brother Tommi, Did you... 9th November 2007, 13:50
Missyalice Why did you change your... 9th November 2007, 13:50
bigtombowski because if u remember what it... 9th November 2007, 13:51
kimmi yes Ive notice something... 9th November 2007, 13:52
bigtombowski i got a little sleep then i... 9th November 2007, 13:53
Bridget Oh Brother Tom, Im sorry to... 9th November 2007, 13:55
Missyalice Im sorry to hear that Tom,... 9th November 2007, 14:06
bigtombowski hey, there's been almost 9... 9th November 2007, 14:14
joebloggs oh bigtom :NoNo:, yes your... 9th November 2007, 15:04
Peanutz Trouble, trouble! There... 9th November 2007, 15:43
bigtombowski well ... i'm not sure i want... 9th November 2007, 15:35
Bridget Hi Brother Tom, Having a row... 9th November 2007, 15:53
bigtombowski nope pea, i will not be hung... 9th November 2007, 15:44
bigtombowski thanks for ur nice long reply... 9th November 2007, 16:09
aromulus Cool down, boy...:rolleyes: ... 12th November 2007, 15:16
KeithD Just phone her up...and when... 9th November 2007, 16:16
bigtombowski haha sounds like a plan keith 9th November 2007, 16:18
ervenescence It takes a lot of patience... 9th November 2007, 18:48
robeth can i butt in? just bored and... 9th November 2007, 19:23
robeth oppppssss... SHE DOESNT... 9th November 2007, 19:31
somebody Geezer after a quick scan of... 9th November 2007, 19:42
bigtombowski how long in ur humble opinion... 10th November 2007, 04:30
somebody How long is a piece of string... 10th November 2007, 11:32
IanB Prozac. 9th November 2007, 23:45
kimmi Son, the best thing for u... 10th November 2007, 02:53
bornatbirth tom,you really have to get... 10th November 2007, 10:03
KeithD Just txt her, simply say... 10th November 2007, 10:11
kimmi well Boss, I wonder if tommi... 10th November 2007, 14:14
bigtombowski umm because i was doing night... 10th November 2007, 12:47
somebody Look at it the other way if... 10th November 2007, 14:19
charlwill Hhmm... did you try to... 10th November 2007, 15:52
somebody Very well put charwill, if i... 10th November 2007, 16:04
kimmi how are u son?did she talked... 10th November 2007, 14:11
bigtombowski nope! well, she did then... 10th November 2007, 14:12
kimmi sorry chuck is using my ym ... 10th November 2007, 14:16
bigtombowski thank u for your input... 10th November 2007, 15:56
bigtombowski if u remember right she has a... 10th November 2007, 16:08
somebody Blimey takes her longer to... 10th November 2007, 16:12
bigtombowski and i got a job with long... 10th November 2007, 16:09
bigtombowski hahahaha funny funny lol ... 10th November 2007, 16:13
Bridget Hi Brother Tommi, If you... 10th November 2007, 16:15
bigtombowski aw thank u 10th November 2007, 16:17
somebody More importantly who send me... 10th November 2007, 16:19
Bridget I dont think she meant that... 10th November 2007, 16:20
somebody Exactly a far bigger statment... 10th November 2007, 16:26
bigtombowski well ... i didn't rep u andy... 10th November 2007, 16:38
somebody Mr admin can you pass my rep... 10th November 2007, 16:46
KeithD Did he say 'repped'? :Erm: 10th November 2007, 16:53
somebody :omg: 10th November 2007, 16:54
somebody I have found the repper it... 10th November 2007, 18:18
KeithD We understand that we... 10th November 2007, 16:39
bigtombowski lol 10th November 2007, 16:39
bigtombowski hehe 10th November 2007, 16:47
bigtombowski i'll let ur wife take care of... 10th November 2007, 16:55
somebody LOL im married im as likely... 10th November 2007, 16:58
bigtombowski lol i've now got a minefield... 10th November 2007, 16:59
somebody Lucky i got a metal... 10th November 2007, 17:04
bigtombowski just for that, im gonna rep u... 11th November 2007, 02:19
somebody oii no 11th November 2007, 11:36
sabb Nobody will hung up on you if... 11th November 2007, 04:51
somebody Like a double glazing sales... 11th November 2007, 11:40
kimmi I agree with u Sabb, that is... 11th November 2007, 05:21
KeithD So it's all Tom's fault?... 11th November 2007, 09:53
somebody No burning its bad for our... 11th November 2007, 11:10
kimmi no not at all Boss, i just... 11th November 2007, 11:33
KeithD Double glazing salemen do... 11th November 2007, 12:13
somebody This one was i guess its a... 11th November 2007, 13:22
bigtombowski everything will be ok 11th November 2007, 15:40
KeithD Actually...I thought it was... 11th November 2007, 16:29
bigtombowski hahahahahahaaaa! mark is a... 11th November 2007, 16:38
ervenescence ---The END--- 11th November 2007, 17:05
bigtombowski interesting post erve lol 11th November 2007, 17:09
kimmi second the motion Erve..:) 12th November 2007, 01:10
kimmi wot do u want to end son? 12th November 2007, 02:21
ervenescence The end of the first chapter... 13th November 2007, 17:35
bigtombowski kimmi, please lets make... 12th November 2007, 02:33
kimmi nobody is giving u mind... 12th November 2007, 02:39
joebloggs oh never say never, and its... 12th November 2007, 14:51
bigtombowski hahahahah cool luigi!... 12th November 2007, 15:34
bigtombowski thank u erve i am so so so... 13th November 2007, 17:37
kimmi Chapter 1 of book 2.. Love... 14th November 2007, 03:44
bigtombowski hehe :D this is the... 14th November 2007, 15:20
Bridget Hi Tom, Do you remember this... 14th November 2007, 15:26
bigtombowski hehe yes ate bridge and... 14th November 2007, 15:28
Bridget It is my pleasure Mister. Im... 14th November 2007, 15:31
bigtombowski i can't explain the... 14th November 2007, 15:32
Bridget :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:... 14th November 2007, 15:35
bigtombowski yes hehehe let's see, 15th... 14th November 2007, 15:37
Bridget then 19th bye bye... 14th November 2007, 15:39
bigtombowski nope :D hehe she got about... 14th November 2007, 15:40
Bridget I was just... 14th November 2007, 15:45
bigtombowski yes imagine the party 4... 14th November 2007, 15:47
Bridget hahahahha wow thats... 14th November 2007, 15:50
bigtombowski we'll get back to talkin... 14th November 2007, 15:51
Bridget hahahaha. must think the best... 14th November 2007, 15:54
bigtombowski lechon flavoured connies ...... 14th November 2007, 15:55
Bridget hahahahahaha not bad 14th November 2007, 15:59
bigtombowski hehe can u think of a better... 14th November 2007, 16:00
Bridget Ive got to go to bed now. ... 14th November 2007, 16:03
bigtombowski well my friend sleep well :D... 14th November 2007, 16:07
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    well ...
    i'm not sure i want to deal with this anymore

    i spend lots of money to call her

    the least she can do is say bye before she slams the fone ...
    and also ...

    i said "do u still love me" ... and she did NOT answer
    she just hung up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Manila, Philippines / Oxford,England
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    well ...
    i'm not sure i want to deal with this anymore

    i spend lots of money to call her

    the least she can do is say bye before she slams the fone ...
    and also ...

    i said "do u still love me" ... and she did NOT answer
    she just hung up
    Hi Brother Tom,
    Having a row or argument does happen to us as well. In any relationship sometimes theres ups and downs. Maybe just give yourself and her a bit space, let each other think of what had happend on the last 24 hours. Im sure if she realised if its her fault then she will make a way to ask for apology and if its your fault you have to admit your mistake and reconcilliate. I dont know exactly what had happend, but I don`t think you will not come to this point, as you said nine months, if you didn`t really care to each other.
    I know how it feels, Tom Ive been through all these, but Im still here through the years, as I do believe that if you love someone and if you know that she loves you ,too you will not let her go. It should be you and her against the world. Try to look at from her point of view. Maybe she didnt mean to hung the phone, maybe theres other reasons.
    I remember when my fiance and I have rows and he was very cross and raised his voiced, as I couldn`t stand to talk to someone who se shouting at me, I did hang up the telephone. He keeps sending me txt messages but I just ignored it, until he realised his fault and ask for apology in his email and then we start to talk again.
    Yesterday, you were asking about the angry management, so I assumed that you get angry to her. Please do not misundertood me, your a good man in this forum and it seems you did contribute a lot of good post and advice in this forum,so we just trying to help you.
    Anyway, it is your life. whatever it is , I hope you find peace and joy in your heart. Cheer up Brother Tommi.

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