Hi Brother Tom,
Having a row or argument does happen to us as well. In any relationship sometimes theres ups and downs. Maybe just give yourself and her a bit space, let each other think of what had happend on the last 24 hours. Im sure if she realised if its her fault then she will make a way to ask for apology and if its your fault you have to admit your mistake and reconcilliate. I dont know exactly what had happend, but I don`t think you will not come to this point, as you said nine months, if you didn`t really care to each other.
I know how it feels, Tom Ive been through all these, but Im still here through the years, as I do believe that if you love someone and if you know that she loves you ,too you will not let her go. It should be you and her against the world. Try to look at from her point of view. Maybe she didnt mean to hung the phone, maybe theres other reasons.
I remember when my fiance and I have rows and he was very cross and raised his voiced, as I couldn`t stand to talk to someone who se shouting at me, I did hang up the telephone. He keeps sending me txt messages but I just ignored it, until he realised his fault and ask for apology in his email and then we start to talk again.
Yesterday, you were asking about the angry management, so I assumed that you get angry to her. Please do not misundertood me, your a good man in this forum and it seems you did contribute a lot of good post and advice in this forum,so we just trying to help you.
Anyway, it is your life. whatever it is , I hope you find peace and joy in your heart. Cheer up Brother Tommi.